This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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Solemn (A Life of Steve Contest Application!)

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llSh0cKll's Avatar llSh0cKll
Level 1 : New Network
Authors Notes: Im so sorry this is going to be so long >_<. I love writing deep and detailed stories, and I don't remember a word limit on PMC's contest. I hope you can bear through the story, and hopefully you won't think it was a waste of time. 


The year is 2009 years old. Life is vibrant; people living life ordinarily, working at jobs, socializing. Companies are mining out diamonds using high-tech equipment, Forests, Jungles, Tagias, are being wiped to make new land. The world is shaping to be a "modern" world, no longer living like pioneers, but as a high-tech civilization thriving for the future.

Back then, in the old age, there once lived a civilization that didn't know all the tech we know now. They punched trees, mined to make the best gear to fend off against the once mythical creatures of the night that would threaten their loved ones. Everyday was the rinse-and-repeat cycle, which didn't look like it would change for a long time. As the world grew, so did the people. The people of the old ages would use redstone to make life simpler and lay some work off their backs. Back then, that was their only technology besides creative creations using cobblestone and wood they gathered.

It wasn't all peaceful back then. There was a war going on between the people and the creatures of the night. You'd see Villagers, Townies, Teens, Kids, Adults fighting the Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers, Spiders, and Endermen, in hope that one day they would bother no more. But that wasn't the only war going on back then. People, suprisingly, would fight people.

There were seperate parts of land, you may call countries, or different civilizations. Some lands allied for the better of the world, the freedom, some lands wanted order and prowess over the weak, the power. These lands were at a raging war as well, hoping the latter would become weak and they would get the advantage for their beliefs. Although none got the upper hand for too long, they seemed to be at a equilibrium, never really making a devastating blow to the world, and some may call that a miracle that the "enemies" didn't control the world with power.

As time grew, the technology only got better, and the people started developing cultures and thrived to make the best city and the best economy. One city was rich, the other didn't reach the goods fast enough and ended up being poor. It all depended on the geographical area that a city settled in, if they could dig out enough resources. The world eventually turned modern, with the cities at their climax, and the culture and people, too. Machines do all the work now, digging resources, farming land, building skyscrapers.

The world was at the pinnacle of growth, with virtually nothing left to achieve. Everyone is at peace, now giving resources and giving back, no wars going on, since they succeeded in driving the creatures of the night back to the rumored "nether" and "void". Everyone grew up and realized power can corrupt an individual, and the people achieved peace, which was a happy ending to them.

But the story isn't over yet. Has anyone in this world presumed that one day, the void and creatures of the night will return to decimate the world? A group of scientists have been experimenting on biology of their world. Some theories were asked, such as "What purpose do we have?", "Where did we come from?". Deep studies of these theories have been commenced by a group of people; scientists that want to find the truth, whether or not it may put them at risk, and stop any potential threats at all.

Chapter 1: Peace 
The flashing of a redstone clock wakes up the person. He grumbles in bed, hitting the snooze button and shifting his blanket and himself to the left, turning over. Eventually the clock sounds louder and he jumps out of bed, throwing the clock at the wall. He groans, and heads to the bathroom to take a morning shower. While bathing in the water, he ponders what will happen today, as he was nearing an end of an important theory that scientists have been studying for a long time, and figuring the puzzle that has been making them ponder for years. 

The person steps out of the shower, water dripping from the person's body, as he grabs a wool towel and dries himself off. He wobbles to his room, trying to heat up from the coldness of the shower, and peeks in the closet. He goes into thought what clothes he should adorn today, and decides with a light blue shirt along with blue pants. He puts them on, making sure to look his best today, as he will put his faith that the theory will be completed today. He strolls past the bedrooms, and peeks in his daughters room, making sure she is safe and sound. Sure enough, she is. He walks to the kitchen with a smile.

He grabs a can of cocoa bean coffee, with the slogan "Coming at ya with the beans from a jungle", and heads outside, locking the door and heading for his car. The person whispers thanks to the people who finally made a mechanism for redstone powered cars instead of railcarts. He puts his buttom on the keyslot, turning on the engine and hastily heading off to the labs, putting more confidence into himself that the theory will be completed today.

On his way to work, he passes up people laughing, auras of jubilance shines through everyone on the streets. The Person is convinced that no one in the world has ever been depressed before, with how the streets look everyday. To him, it seems like an equisite place, full of ravishing people. As he stares at the front window, passing up all the joyous spirits, he approaches a huge structure.

The structure is a fascinating structure indeed. It is a large, quartz colored, laboratory with fine detail and at a far sight it is rather beautiful. As The Person enters the laboratory, he passes through the high tech equipment, and heads to his office. In his office is a unusual colored paper, instructing him to go to the room in F102. He heads to the elevator and shoots his way up to the floor.
As he enters in the automatic door, one of his coworkers comes up and greets him.

"Hey *****, how have you been?" The Coworker says in a nice, soothing voice.

The Person greets him, and nods to the question as well, with a happy look on his face. The Coworker smiles in return, and states that they should get to work, noting that it is going to be an important day. The Person nods in agreement, and heads to the testing labs.

As The Person draws nears the testing labs, the people greet him, and start working on an uncanny structure with 3 blocks on each side. There appears to be at least 11 weird looking eye things on the top of the blocks, omitting a strange aura. Only one seems to yet be filled in. The Person strolls over the weird contraption slowly, studying it before heading to the meeting table. As he draws near the meeting table, the people are sitting around the meeting table, ready for a conference.

The Boss walks in and greets everyone. Cutting straight to the chase, he states that we are drawing near an end of a theory, and the key to it is the weird structure with 12 blocks and 11 eyes block things. The Boss notes that we do know how to put the last one in now, since it was dug up near a mine and put in a museum, and that they have bought it from the museum for 12000 diamonds. He shows the eye block thing, and motions the group to follow him as he attempts to place it in the last block.

Along the way to the structure, The Person prays that it wasn't a waste of time, since all their theories were actually failures. He hopes that this one will be the fruit of the upcoming theories and that we can come closer to the truth of this world.

Approaching the structure, The Boss pauses for a moment, then asking for a biohazard suit. After he equips this suit, he motions everyone to stay behind the glass encase anything bad happens. The usual procedure. His hands are shaking violently as he places the eye block in the last block, but manages to put it in. A moment went by, and then the energy gathering swarms to the portal, revealing a nice starry-night portal.

Chapter 2: Reign 
As everyone stares at the portal in shock and awe that the portal worked, The Boss decides to have a look in the portal. He pulls his head out rapidly, and rushes to the door and bangs at it loudly to let him outside. A split-second later, and strange tall black figures starts violently swarming out of the portals. Everyone is shocked, some are running. The Person looks around in shock before an explosion happens in the cell and everyone around his perimeter is blown back along with him.

Regaining consciousness, The Person looks back and finds out he has been blown to the wall. He spectates around him, looking at people fending off the tall black-figures and flailing about. He pauses for a second, then realizing that he has to get out of there fast. He stands up, and feels a sharp pain in his back. Being able to still stand up, he figures that he can still walk at least. He hastily walks to the emergency exit, only to see it blocked off by corpses and tall black-figures. He hastily walks back and heads downstairs, hoping that there is a opening somewhere for him to get out.

Walking down, he stumbles upon a broken stairway. He groans loudly, and heads back up. Wandering around a bit more, avoiding the creatures as much as possible, but still making haste as they could populate even more, he notices a blown wall. Looking down, he sees a water body that he could possible leap for. Thinking to himself that it's his only chance if he wants to be alive, he jumps off and lands in the water.

His back painfully hurting now, he uses the last of his strength to pull himself out of the body of water, swimming up swiftly and rolling himself on the ground. He groans in pain, unwilling to get up to run away. Forcing his head up, he witnesses the catastrophe of the streets, the once jubilant place is now filled with screams of terror and families fending their children and people running away. The creatures are reproducing wildly, as there was even more then he last saw at the lab. The Persons vision slowly fades before he collapses to the ground, closing his eyes.

The Person is woken up by a familiar female and a little female next to her. He is unsure at first, but then realizes that she is his wife, and the little kid is his daughter. He hugs them, glad that they are safe and they were left unharmed. The Wife asks how this came to be, and The Person is reluctant to talk about it at first, but then opens up to them, telling them that a theory has worked but has gone for the worst, as the creatures have been released from the portal, and blew up the Laboratory along with the city.

The Family ponders on what to do next, and they decide on getting shelter first then scavaging for some resources to live off of before they figure out what to do next. The Person, still in a little pain, offers to start scavaging and then meet up with them later. The Wife is a little skeptical at first, but agrees, stating that he shouldn't go too far or he'll lose them.

The Person splits with his family, worried that he may have made a wrong choice, but he needs to find food and resources for them if they ever have a chance in the gruelsome world that in 1 hour, turns from joyful to decimated. He limps across the town, looking for food, picking up sticks and pieces of minerals. He thinks to himself maybe the bank has minerals that they can craft armor and swords from. Taking the chance, he limps to the bank.

Along the way, the chaos hasn't ceased yet. People are still running from eachother even, and the monsters are in relentless pursuit as well, determined to kill every minecraftian there is from the looks of it. The Person scouts for hidden spots and cover so he doesn't get detected so easily. Making his way to the bank, he notices a defenseless boy running from them. Thinking on how he can help, he notices a car about to explode. Maybe he could get there attention? He strolls over to the car, and notices it won't hit the boy and the group of mobs directly, but go in an angle to a building and blow it up. Hoping it doesnt steer wrong, he pushes it with enough force to make it roll down the street. Receiving extreme pain from his back, he uses his energy to walk up and see how the boy is doing. The mobs cease chasing him and investigate the car that blew up for some reason. The Person couldn't believe it worked.

After the mob of creatures have subsided, he decides to check out the blown up building the flaming car was headed for. He steps inside and notices a whole bunch of meterials to use and to craft, there was also a backpack as well! He stuffs the resources he could fit inside the backpack and walks. The backpack is quite heavy and can trigger some backpain, but he needs to head to his family.

Meeting the family at the rendezvous they were told to meet after time had passed, he puts the backpack on the ground containing all the stuff they need to survive at least 3 days. The Wife picks up the backpack and leads the family to a shelter the two had found when The Person was looking for resources. They settle inside and start a campfire with some wood and fire. The family sits around it, remaining silent for most of the time, all of them just looking at the raging fire.

Night passes, and the family still remain solemn. How could a world crisis like this happen? How are we going to deal with this? These questions pass through The Person's thoughts throughout the night. The Persons eyes are drooping from exhaustation, and decides to get some sleep near some cover. He tells the family to sleep near cover so they don't get detected, and they reply "ok".

During the glowing midnight, The Person is woken up by screaming noises near them. He peeks outside, and finds a group being mauled by creatures. He considered helping them, but they were pinned to the ground and look unhelpable, and it would cause more casualities. He looks away, his face in regret as they stop screaming into the night, and the mob passes by. He motions his sorrow and remorse for not being able to help the group and heads back to his bed. The Person still lies awake, unable to shake the group screaming and screaming in his mind, tossing and turning his bed, and slamming his head to the ground to make the screams stop. Eventually he gets exhausted after so much attempts to make them stop, and slowly closes his eyelids to rest...

Woken up by The Wife once again, she motions him to follow her and their daughter to help look for survivors. He is reluctant on the idea, but goes along anyways. They wander the streets, which now look like a hurricane had wiped out their city. The Daughter talks the first time in a long while, asking why are we wandering the streets and why aren't we home. The Mother replies that we can't go home anymore, and The Daughter asks why. She stayed silent throughout the questions, but The Person can see her tears slowly forming a stream on her cheek. He remains silent too, and The Daughter stops persisting the matter.

Walking on the streets, The Family hears a scream from their left side, and turning the direction, finding a whole group of mobs chasing another group as well. The Family proceed to run, but they are drowned in mobs. The Person pushes aside the mobs and tries to regroup with his family, desperately searching for them. In the sea of mobs, not only lie zombie moans, but The Person can hear screams too. He hurries, pushing more and more mobs until he finds a sight of terror;

The Wife has been engulfed in zombies, screaming for help and getting eaten alive. He rushes as fast as he can, but in his mind, he is running slow, like he has been slowed down in time, and watches the death of his beloved one.

Chapter 3: Frenzy (Work in Progress, thank you for reading, please leave feedback!

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10/25/2014 8:09 pm
Level 1 : New Network
llSh0cKll's Avatar
Oh dang, I totally forgot to update this blog! Well, this is weird.
10/05/2014 8:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
fira12345's Avatar
Sweet story! Really like the idea!
10/05/2014 4:01 pm
Level 1 : New Network
llSh0cKll's Avatar
Thanks! :)
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