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Level 21 : Expert Nerd
The Forest of Knowing; Chapter One

I woke up, looking at the clouds, in the middle of a clearing. Knowing it was about to rain, I got up, and took a look at my surroundings. I still had what I had on me when I entered the woods, my backpack, which held; a water canister, bow and arrows, food for the journey, a compass, a pocket watch, and an extra coat just in case it got cold. What wasn’t in my backpack was just me, my sword, my ax, and my pet wolf, Ookami. She was to accompany me during the journey, and protect me. I needed her around to help me track animals. She was laying down beside me, and I poked her to wake her up. She woke up, and stared at me. “Sorry, girl, it’s just that it’s about to rain and I don’t want to you to get your coat all wet.” I said to her. She seemed to understand, and she got up, shook all of the dirt and grass off of her, and went underneath a tall oak. I got up, and brushed all of the dirt and grass off of me with my hands, and went to join Ookami under the tree. I got my watch out of my backpack and noticed it was 5:00, and my parents would be very angry, and worried about me if I didn’t return home soon. But then I realized, I didn’t know where I was.

I looked at my surroundings again, to see if I recognized any of the terrain around her, but I didn’t. Then I started to wonder how I got here. Was it fate? No, it couldn’t be, fate is just an old legend. Legends are Lessons, Reiha, Legends are Lessons, Reiha. My mother’s words kept ringing in my head, “Stop!” I yelled. Ookami looked at me. “It’s okay girl, I’m fine.” That settled her down, but I could sense that she was still worried. Then the rain started to crash down, so I waited there until it stopped. In the meantime, I thought about how worried my parents would be right now, and it was funny envisioning my father and my mother frantically run around the kitchen, it was hilarious. I grinned.

When the rain started to let up, I put on the other jacket from my backpack and started to walk out into the rain, when I felt something while I was putting on my coat. I had grown two wolf tails! I went up to my head with my hands, and I had wolf ears too! I was so freaked out, I almost fainted, but I didn’t and took a deep breath. I pinched myself.


Not a dream. I breathed in and out slowly to calm myself down. I was wondering if they were fake, which I didn’t think that they were, because if they were fake how did they get there? But, just in case, I felt my tail. Yep. There was heat coming from my tails, so they were real. I didn’t get used to the feeling of a tail until I started to look around in the forest to find my way home. When it was starting to turn to night time, I built a shelter, just in case it rained again. It was a decent shelter, one that would at least last a few days. After I was finished, I started to make a bonfire, to create smoke so that way someone can see me. I set some stones down in a lopsided circle, in which the stones I found by a nearby river. I started to collect some firewood, and used a fallen over tree as a bench. When the fire was made, I  started to use my extra-coat as a smoke-letter-making-item and putting out the abbreviation, S.O.S. was more difficult than it looks to make. When my letters came out, I decided that, that was enough to get someone to notice me.

I noticed that Ookami was lying close to the fire, so I called her over. At the sound of her name, her ears pricked upward. I said to her, “If you are really tired, then go ahead and go to the shelter and sleep. You can wait for me there, until I get tired, okay?” Understanding what I said, Ookami nodded her head and went over to our temporary shelter. I soon got tired, so I went to join her.


I awoke to the sounds of snoring. I knew it wasn’t me because I don’t snore. Ookami was still sleeping but, she wasn’t snoring either. When I looked around, and couldn’t find anything or anyone in my area that was making the noise, so I climbed the tallest tree in the area. I went to the strongest limb, at the top of the tree, that could hold my weight. I looked around, and I soon noticed smoke coming from a nearby mountain. I climbed back down the tree and went in the direction of the mountain. The mountain that I was going to, I had to keep going east to be able to get to it, so I pulled out my compass out of my backpack. I kept going in the direction of the mountain, until I came across a ravine. I didn’t know how to get across, so, I tried to get around. It took me a while to try and find a way to go around, but I just decided to chop down a tree with my ax, to use as a bridge to cross the ravine, I needed a tree at least 4 meters tall. I chopped down the nearest tree that looked about that height. The trees in this forest are known for being beautiful, knowing that we are in the country of Delledge, it was not surprising for my village, Nornesse, was known for it’s beauty, but that is not the case. Often tourists, try to come and see the inside of the palace of our country. The palace is called, Cerreadan, and it is a beautiful place. I am Reiha Yukimura, proud of my family, and the people inside our kingdom.


By the time I got across the ravine, it was nearly sunset. I needed to get to that mountain before anyone else gets there, and supposedly get killed. I wouldn’t be bothered if someone if someone from the palace got killed by whatever is up there. Not at all.

But, by the time I made it to the probable halfway mark through the forest, on the way to the mountain. I have trekked for a while now, so I decided to stop and take a break for the night. I layed in a branch near the top of a tree. It was slim, yet strong enough to hold me up. I saw some elk, and Elfen; and Elfen are little pixies the forest that grant wishes. Though I was exhausted, I jumped down, and I walked over to the Elfen. I told them my wish and they said that they would grant it for me, for something in exchange. They said, that in order to grant my wish, I would have to do one of the hardest things in this world, kill a dragon. I went over to where they hid; it was a magical place, like a palace hidden in the trees, filled with magic flowers, fruit, and other various plants. There was a pond, leading over to the place where the most powerful elfe lived. I walked over to him.

There were no buildings. Not even one. Even if there were one will probably be one of the most wonderful palaces that there ever was, I thought. There would be  wonderful people of all sorts, markets,  mystical creatures,  the pets of all of the elven here.  But of course, this could never happen, for the Elven had never even thought of construction before. I mean there could be one person or maybe even two that have thought of this idea before. But, I actually like this place the way it is. I had never been to this place before, other than from when I was little.

This place is beautiful, with the trees acting of protection for the small village, and like I said earlier this place was filled with many magical plants.  Like some corly, or a  pendick-tree. There are also many types of animals here. Like  

“I am Fafner, with a power like fire from the mouth of a dragon. So what is it you wish, young one?” He looked at my facial expression. I looked as if I had just seen many people I loved get murdered. “What is of the matter?” He asked.

“Here in this place, you suspect that nothing can go wrong, right?” I got no reply in my question, yet I still kept talking. “Well, outside of this place is just what you think. Nothing can go wrong, but nothing can also go right.” The Elfen looked at me with confused faces, but calmed down after Fafner said this, “Other Elfen, we are in this place, where no one can get hurt, no one can harm us.” I honestly agreed with him, this was a lovely place, and I would live here if I didn’t have my duties as a royal guard in the palace.

“Well, the Elfen are very surprised by your remark, so why would you say such a thing to us, nearly helpless Elfen,” I tried to interrupt, but he kept talking, and I knew my manners. “And, since we are helpless no one can protect us, except for me. I am growing old and my son’s son, will take my place. The Elfen fear that he will not be powerful enough to stop any evil-doers who come and try to take our source of magic power.” The source of power for the Elfen, was a Sunstone, a rare, and powerful use of magic, but only the Elfen could use it and no one knows why, well only the people who know about the Elfen and believe in them.

“For, I have been wandering in this forest for approximately two days now, and I have not found any harm to this forest. Except for maybe a few termites, but I disposed of them as soon as I saw them. But I am not here to discuss the safety of this forest. I am here for a reason, you know. ” I said. Though this was the first time I was taking to Elfen, I trusted them, knowing that they could do nothing to harm me in anyway, unless Fafner is as powerful as he says he is.

“One of your beloved elfen said that they could grant me my wish, and to do that I would need to kill a dragon, is it true? Do I really need to kill a godforsaken dragon?” I asked, suddenly furious. I mean, why would I need to kill a dragon just to get my wish granted?

“For what is it you wish?” He asked, yet again. I told him all that I wanted. “Oh, I see, I see. So, the other Elfen have told you what you have to do in order for me to grant your wish, eh?” I nodded. After a few seconds, Fafner said, “Do this specific quest, and I will grant you your wish.” I nodded again. I left, going back to the tree that I slept at. Then I realized. Ookami. I forgot about her, and I don’t know where she is. I quickly left their hidden paradise, and ran

“Ookami! Ookami!” I started yelling her name. Knowing that she was going to be there with me, made me feel calm in difficult circumstances. “Ookami! Girl! Come ‘ere, Girl!” When I heard some rustling in the bushes, I got startled. It was just Ookami. I walked over to her and hugged her and started talking to her. “There you are, I was worried about you. Sorry about leaving you. Ookami, we need to go to the mountain now.” I said we need, because before, I wanted, to go. Not need.

Though I was still wondering on how I got into the forest, I continued on without hesitation. Maybe this is a test of strength, I thought. Maybe the gods are testing me on my capabilities. This is just a maybe though... I am not assured of anything.

Maybe someone put me here! That’s another great thought. I wonder who it is who put me here...

Eccedentesiast Poem
I am an Eccedentesiast.
A person, who
tries to make everyone smile,
but is the most lonely person,
who just wants to talk for awhile.
A person, who,
hides their pain,
to try to be sane.
A person, who,
thinks know one can know their sadness,
their madness.
A person, who,
needs someone to be their for them.
For their heart,
For their head,
for the sorrow left instead.
But, since they try to make everyone smile,
to make them smile, is going to take a while.
But know,
that all of the pain they leave inside,
has nowhere to hide.
It's out there in the middle of their heart.
All you need to do, is break their cage, apart.

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