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Life of Steve

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Helipline's Avatar Helipline
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
This was going to be for the life of Steve contest but I was delayed to long by school to get it out in time. Just a day late. If you like it, don't forget to give it a diamond. I wanna see if it can get more diamonds than the contest winner.

“Wow, look there is a Cow!!! Ohhh, A chicken!!! Oh my gosh, is that a cow with mushrooms on it?!!!”

               She had been going like this for hours, pausing for breath every few minutes. Although it might seem annoying, Steve was mildly entertained by her ramblings. Seeing Alex go crazy over all of these things that he had taken for granted for so long made him rethink his views on the world. “I was new here once.” That thought had kept popping up in the back of his mind ever since Alex had arrived.

“I didn’t act like this did I?” he countered silently.

 “Maybe not, but you thought most of the same things. You just didn’t have anyone to hear you.”

He wasn’t going to keep this up. It was almost as bad as when he talked to Porky. Of course talking to Porky had been of some value, he had retained his speech and could communicate with Alex.

“Hey Steve,” Alex said, disrupting the unnoticed silence, “Where did you come from?”

Where did he come from? He hadn’t thought of that place in forever. Home.

Steve looked out the port side of the space craft and saw his new home. Gnajom was the largest world that humans had found and sent a colony to. This planet was at least ten times larger than any of the other thousand worlds that humanity had colonized, and he was part of the first million people to go colonize it. The world had been found by the Explorer IV probe, which had the highest success rate for finding new planets. The ship started to descend into the atmosphere while the excitement of all inside sky-rocketed.

After the colony had set itself up using auto-build, curtesy of the interstellar corporation “E-Z Buildings”, the farmers went out and started plowing the terrain of this new planet because the supplies they had brought would only last a year. After several hours of everyone walking around breathing fresh air and feeling solid ground, business finally got underway.

Steve was an architect so he got to design the new buildings for the colony since the E-Z buildings were only square and small. Using nothing square, Steve designed marvelous buildings with graceful curves and arches. Of course, since people had been in square rooms in the space ship and in the temporary buildings, they all wanted to have Steve and similar architects build their houses. Steve was rich.

Two years later, after becoming an outdoorsman, Steve was hiking through the wilderness when he came upon this massive hole in the ground. While he really wanted to climb down into the hole, he knew that he should go get an explorer team and exploration vehicle. Taking a quick photo with his camera, Steve started to leave when suddenly the ground underneath him collapsed, and he started falling into the hole.

When he looked up, Steve could see light but the hole he fell through was miles above him, and he could see that it had caved in. He looked around trying to find the light thinking that there might be a settlement of intelligent life forms there. He spotted the light at the end of the cavern that he was in, and he started heading in that direction. After walking for hours in the direction of the light, the ground began to get harder and stony, but it was cobblestone so he thought that he was getting closer to civilization. Suddenly he was there, but it wasn’t what he thought it would be.

The bright light came from a hole in the wall which led to a cavern full of cobblestone caves. He was so mad that he punched some cobblestone over and over again. Surprisingly, a cube shape appeared in the cobblestone. Oh how he detested squares. He turned around and started walking to the far side of this cavern where the light source was again. After a while he realized that he was holding a miniature cube of cobblestone. With great distaste he through it on the ground and was surprised to see a block of cobblestone pop up where it fell. He quickly ran away from there.

On the other side of the cavern was the same kind of hole that he had been through to get to the cave land. When he walked through it, he found himself on this huge grass plane with nothing there. The cave ceiling was higher here, and he couldn’t see the top. Slowly trudging off to find what was making that light, Steve marveled at all the strange things here.

When he got to the next cavern, he thought he was hallucinating. There were billions of creatures that looked just like him, jumping around, flailing their arms and legs. He went up and tried to talk to them but they did nothing. Sadly he trudged on to the next cavern.

Finally he was somewhere! This cavern, if he was still underground, he couldn’t tell, was filled with plants, animals, water, and food!! He quickly ran around, drinking and eating to replenish his health when suddenly he realized something with a horrific shock. Everything was cube shaped!

He finally got used to being here and surviving, but he constantly looked for a way to get back to his home. When he found villagers he was so excited until he realized that they couldn’t talk to him. He did see their portal though and tried to make his own thinking it would take him back but it didn’t. There was this other race of creature that had the ability to teleport, and he tried to harness that power, but it only took him short distances, not near enough to get him home.

Every once and a while there would be a bright flash that covered the whole area where he was and when it left, there would be new things in the world. One such flash brought Alex. The flash started while Steve was fishing and brought lots of new blocks and then started to fade. Thinking it was finished, he started to go explore and see what else had been added when suddenly the flash grew again and out stepped this figure. Steve couldn’t believe his eyes. Could it really be?  It was another person!

“Steve, are you alright? You haven’t moved in about 15 minutes.”

“Huh? Oh ya I’m fine. I was just thinking about how I got here. But that was long ago.”

Maybe things would be alright here now. He could be happy now. He wondered, like he had for years, if he would ever see his home, but this time he didn’t long for it as much. Life was good.

If you would like to hear the secret about the name of the planet and some other fun easter eggs, subscribe to me and I will pm you about it.

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