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Map: The orphanage!

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Lazerwaffles121's Avatar Lazerwaffles121
Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
When it started, with the dialouge and all that stuff, i thought, "I CAN TAKE IT!" but when it started, and i saw the effect slowness... i knew i was gonna get so scared! And the texture pack that came with it, i was all like, "BLOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! OH GOD!!!!!" Anyway... I came to the Orphanage. I climbed the fence and walke right up, but there was a little girl crying at the window. First thing i thought was, "Sachiko... dont hurt me! wait, dis aint Corpse Party..." so i walked up to the window, and a SPIDER JUMPED ME! (wasnt supposed to! STUPID GLITCHING LAG!) I got inside, and was greeted by a sighn, "no running in the halls" i was all like, "I CANT EVEN RUN! DO I HAVE TO RUN FOR SOME REASON! WTF IS GOING ON!" I walked down to the basement cause my brother said id find chalk and a knife, and t was important.so when i found chalk, i was all like, "OH HECK NO! WHERES MY KNIFE!" then i remembered what he really said was Knife in the KITCHEN! KNIFE IN THE KITCHEN! so i went looking for kitchen, and ANOTHER MOB SPAWNED! DANG ZAMBIES! it was right infront of th kitchen, so i puncehed the zombie to death. when i got the knife, my screen went black... then it came back. i saw footprints and was all like, "Sahicko we beg of you!"

I found some chalk, and staryed Raging about how it was most likely to be useless, and the LITTLE GIRL TROLLED ME! (Skipping ahead...) I found a weird red monagram (Symbol twords worship o a Demon) and i covered it with CHALK! But then, a loud scram kinda made my EARS BLEED! I found 3 more, and covered them with chalk. Then i was sent back outside, and it was raining... BLOOD? I had to walk into a shack, a crepy one. (DUH!) I gathered my courage (and an Iron MAn armor, MK 22) and bolted in, and finished the deed! The map was over, i walked back to my truck, BUT WAS PULLED INTO THE ORPHANAGE! I WAS LOSING MY LIFE SLOWLY!!!!!!!!! But then, it was over... I was dead, and i had replaced that creepy little girl... I deleted the world, and went to sleep. I still have Nightmares of a little girl, Stabbing my chest, and monsters eating at my Liver... (That never really happened, but i imagine it would in real life)

                                                                      THE END!

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=minecraft+the+orphanage A link to vids.

Just leave this....
CreditiHasCupquake, DanTDM, SkyDoesMinecraft, PopularMMOs, etc., SCRY MAP REVEIW!!!

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12/23/2014 1:29 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
Lazerwaffles121's Avatar
Hope you guys enjoy the videos link!
