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[MCInsider] Mojang Holiday Skinning Contest! Winners Announced!

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Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
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The Holiday Skin Competition Winners Post!
Not to long ago Mojang announced that they would be having a holiday themed competition for Minecraft players. The competition included the making of a skin through the iOS app, Minecraft Skin Studio. Many of you guys jumped right in which is great, and from what I saw here on the forums and in the skins section, the holiday themed skins were coming along very well.
The first place winner was "Christmas Sweater Boy" created by I_will_conquer. Congratulations to him! Conquer won a new "Playstation 3" as the top prize.

Closely behind I_will_conquer, was PatoXD with his Gingerbread Creeper skin! PatoXD was awarded a $100 J!NX voucher. Congratulations to you, PatoXD!
Directly following PatoXD was the skin "Christmas Thief" by Taco_Thief! Personally, I love the name. Congratulations to Taco_Thief on you $50 J!NX voucher.
To the top three winners, I give a virtual pat on the back. To all other contestants I say well done and thank you guys for joining in and making the contest a lot of fun to watch as you all uploaded your skins to Mojang and posted them here on PMC.

- Happy New Years! Merry Kwanzaa!
CreditMaymonaise, Josh Owens

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12/28/2013 6:04 pm
Level 40 : Master Electrician
This is a bit useless. I could have just gone to the PMC page to see it if I wanted to.

Also, this gives me an idea..
12/28/2013 6:11 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Thanks for the feedback, however this is the official Mojang skins contest, not the PMC skins contest. I appreciate you reading through though (no sarcasm intended).
