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Medieval/Fantasy/Roleplay Skin Requests

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CaptainShoxio's Avatar CaptainShoxio
Level 29 : Expert Artist

Hey guys! Have you ever seen an awesome medieval skin on a server or website, but you couldn't get it? Well this place is the answer to all your problems! I do medieval skins, fantasy(ish) skins and espiecially roleplay skins. Just leave your request below and I will work my magic. You can see examples of my work on my page. Most of them have this: [Roleplay Series] after the name, so look it up in the search bar. Happy Roleplaying!

My main character on Gildorym Roleplay Server. Skin made by me.


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05/28/2014 1:27 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
RagingGENERATION's Avatar
Ello mate!

I am a gigantic fan of roleplay, and play a server called MassiveCraft. I would like to make a medieval skin. Here is the descrition

Name: 'One-Eyed' Mathew Livingston
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class of Fighting: Rogue/Assasin ( Probably never heard this one; its an Assasin that uses magic and allusions to get by. And I think you know what an Assasin is) This is just side info. Don't contribute it to the skin. 
Physical Description: He has One-eye that works. His right eye works, and is blue. His other one is blind, so it obviuosly grey. His hair is shagy and long, and the collor of Auttum leaves (so I guesse dirty-blonde, but a bit lighter). He has partially tanned skin (The collor of your skin exampled up on top, but a bit darker). Make his structure Handsome.
Vanity Description: He wears a raged robe (meaning very rinkled) that is black with red outlining that goes to his knees. He wears pants that resembles the collor of his hair. He wears black shoes with golden locks. He has NO hood. Aperently when someone has a robe, they have to have a hoodie on it. 

Ok, ok I know, alot. :D But its just I like my skin particularyly and I always see such good skins on Massive Craft and then Im there with this really crudy one. If you can try to get this to me in 3-4 days that would be great. Send to this email - RagingGENERATION@live.com. Thanks alot CaptainShoxio! Juding by your skin up there, you must be a pro!

01/18/2014 8:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
chrisgraw28's Avatar

I would like to request a Medieval era Nobleman skin. Preferably clean shaven with black hair and blue and gold/yellow robes, similar to your Elven Mage skin.


11/28/2013 11:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NormanTheMage's Avatar
Hello there!
I would love to request a Beguiler! It's basically a Rogue/Assassin who uses magic! O what fun it is to be a Beguiler. Any how, I would love if you could work your magic on this skin Beguilers tend to use illusions magic and prefer to be dark and mysterious. I would like black hair and grey eyes if possible also he is an elf! And he is a he. Anyway thanks for reading this post have a wonderful evening.

11/16/2013 11:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Plunkie99's Avatar
I'm a big fan of your skins and need a sort of smartly dressed elf for an upcoming diplomacy summit on the rp server i play on. I already use the elven mage skin you made so could you please use the head of that one.
thank you
11/17/2013 8:54 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
CaptainShoxio's Avatar
Sure thing bud. It'll be done shortly.
