Minecraft Blogs / Review

Minecraft 12w38a 1.4.0 Snapshot!

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gooberboy11's Avatar gooberboy11
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
Hello boys and Girls, Goofy Goomba Here! :D
Today im gonna show you the New Minecraft 12w38a Snapshot that came out today! Gimme tat Halloween Updatez!

Download here: http://www.mojang.com/

Alright now if you haven't seen whats been added in the Previous Snapshot, Check out my Profile and it should be there!

Whats been Added:

Wow, they added a bunch of stuff exciting in this Update, first off lets show off what mobs they added!

Added Bats

Added Witches (Personally i don't like how they look :P)

Added New sounds when placing blocks, running/walking and also new Animal Sounds! Hurray!

Beacon has a different texture and different abilities

Wood Blocks are now a little bit less complicated and easier to place, No mo having to jump to get a wood blocks Trunk to be Up

Thats what has basically been added!
Enjoy your new Snapshot! I'll be posting these whenever a New Snapshot comes out!
If you liked please diamond and Subscribe to see more blogs and snapshots! It helps alot and keeps me Going!


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by gooberboy11 09/21/2012 7:49:03 pmSep 21st, 2012

12w38b came out, Bug fixes and new and upgraded sounds also updated witches

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10/27/2012 1:16 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
aidangreene's Avatar
can't wait.....thanks jeb
