Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Minecraft Build Tutorial Series

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Gazamo's Avatar Gazamo
Level 81 : Elite Creator
Over the past year, our servero s build team has produced some fantastic creations, and ito s clear that the community enjoys them as much as we do. On display as our builds are, we are constantly sought out by players looking to improve their own builds. What details can I add to make my build stand out? What techniques do you use to build efficiently and impressively?

With the community looking for insight, we decided to begin a tutorial series on building in Minecraft. There are a great many tools the aspiring builder can use to improve their projects with ease, but they can be confusing to the uninitiated. With this series, we intend to teach you how to harness those tools, as well as a little imagination, to construct great things. Weo ll start with the basics of course, but in the future we will likely move on to more advanced techniques for building.
(Episode Summary) This particular episode covers detailing: a basic concept that will help any builder give their creation that extra bit of uniqueness that will really make it shine. There are tons of blocks in Minecraft, all waiting to be used in unusual ways to give your build an edge. This is the third one of the episodes so far. Previously we have covered basic terraforming and basic world edit.

*Note* There are several amazing builders around and you can find most of them right here on PMC. We hope that these tutorials help the community as a whole, and we cano t wait to see more of your awesome builds!

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04/16/2014 3:33 am
Level 24 : Expert Fisherman
Fishmastr's Avatar
Great work, really like the hints. Cant wait to use them. ^^

Take my diamond.
King Of Crazy
10/20/2012 9:34 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
King Of Crazy's Avatar
Really Good Vids, Guys
10/20/2012 2:42 pm
Level 29 : Expert Mountaineer
Vvardenfell's Avatar
Cool tut man, can you please tell me how you made that avatar
10/20/2012 4:11 pm
Level 81 : Elite Creator
Gazamo's Avatar
Lol always get asked this. www.faceyourmanga.com you create it here.
10/21/2012 12:12 am
Level 29 : Expert Mountaineer
Vvardenfell's Avatar
10/20/2012 12:36 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Megaconor132's Avatar
Could I maby help do a few vids?
10/20/2012 8:49 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
SlenderBro's Avatar
Could you do a tutorial to make a house that is somewhat good looking but easy to make?
10/20/2012 7:40 am
Level 21 : Expert Goblin
spudalot's Avatar
lovely, I enjoy watching videos of this style if for nothing else, then to get some more techniques :)
10/19/2012 5:58 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AAmdahl's Avatar
10/19/2012 5:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Flazze's Avatar
I like this, I like this a lot :) This is actually very useful tutorial for helping you tone your skills!
