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Minecraft fanbase obsessed with unoriginal skins?

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G U Z M A's Avatar G U Z M A
Level 30 : Artisan Pirate
Hey guys, Ender here, and yeah... Blog stuff... Yeah...

Anyway, for those of you on PMC who either create/download skins then this is the discussion for you! If, not, you can still join in with the conversation anyway. I'm not gonna take that right away from you! :P

So this blog actually goes out to the skins and stuff in the minecraft fanbase. Basically, you can sign up onto PMC now, download a skin making program or use Nova Skin or something like that, and make a skin, that is totally original,  made from scratch, and uses all of the features that require a good, realistic, high quality skin like shading, 3D texturing, retro shading and more. But still, it would get no downloads. People might see it, but there will be no hate, just ignorance.

However, when I go and see a skin made by someone, who, uses the same template as thousands of people have done before, and who uses no shading, no texturing, just a plain old skin that probably took the person who did it like half an hour, and see what? Over a hundred diamonds, thousands of downloads, and about a million views.

Just look up "minecraft girl" or "minecraft boy" skin and you'll get what I'm going at.
If not, here are what i think are the generic Minecraft skins:

But it's not just that. You can see it in the servers too. Join a minecraft server and you're bound to find a girl with pink hair wearing a panda hoodie skin, or a boy with a fringe covering their right eye, not their left, never their left, and a hoodie and some headphones that, defying all laws of physics, are perfectly vertical on a head and floating over the ears. And the expressions, don't even get me started on the expressions! How can you possibly tell the difference between a skin. They're like clones or something!

Anyway, my rant's over. Feel free to say what you think of the way minecraft skins are run now in the comments. This my opinion and only my opinion, I am not looking for an arguement at 2 in the morning. Enjoy! :P

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12/16/2015 12:07 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
spartankiller73's Avatar
The Ender Gamer, I have to agree with you, because all the skins I make are hand made with hours of my life spent to make them, and yes it is infuriating to see Casual players ( Not using Casual in a derogatory sense ) with skins that took around 5 minutes, but in the end you need to rember that some people may not have access to programs or websites to make custom skins, so as unoffensivly as possible, does it really matter?
12/18/2015 10:46 am
Level 30 : Artisan Pirate
G U Z M A's Avatar
I get what you mean, but just because they can't make their own doesn't mean they can't find something else. A skin that might actually have meaning to them, and not just some ting they downloaded amongst the millions of others.
08/30/2015 3:48 am
Level 26 : Expert Architect
Brevlada's Avatar
Hahahaha, I completely agree with your opinion. I try my best to make some cute and creative skins but they never get much attention, it's always the really generic, panda hoodie chick, or gamer guy skins, or my least fave of all, youtuber skins that are the most popular....I mean...why look like everyone else when you have your own special unique look?
08/30/2015 10:42 am
Level 30 : Artisan Pirate
G U Z M A's Avatar
The youtuber skins are the worst by far! xp And I agree with you, it's like if everyone in the world looked the same, as the same race, same colour hair, same accent. Life will definitely be very boring...
08/30/2015 3:44 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
Brevlada's Avatar
Oh hell yeah! Life would be suuuuper boring if we all looked and dressed the same. Time to change it up guyz, go out and make an original skin rather than copy catting!
