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Minecraft Friends List Minedea! [High Quality]

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medievalheroes's Avatar medievalheroes
Level 46 : Master Herobrine

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Minecraft Friends List!

A Minedea by medievalheroes!

Hey I am here today to talk to you about the idea of adding a friend's list into Minecraft! Now as much as this is just a Mod plan I think it could easily be implemented into official Minecraft. Now I understand that almost everyone has thought of this idea but no one has ever taken it seriously and thought about how it should really be and what it would look like, so this is what I am going to change today :)

The Main Menu

Now to begin the idea I must say how it would be accessible
, I have decided a button directly under multiplayer would make the most sense and not just a small tab inside of the multiplayer section. This is mostly because it is not part of multiplayer only as it can also be used just to see if friends are online at all, no matter if it is AFK at the main menu, in a multiplayer server or just playing in a single player world!

(A Edit I made of the main menu to include a Friends List Button)

The Friends List

Now the list its self I would expect to look a lot like the image bellow:

(A Edit I made of what I believe the friends list would look like PS: The -Removed on Herobrine is a joke :D!)

Now I think this layout would work best as you can easily see all of the things you need, you can see what server your friends are currently on or if they are even on one, you can easily join them or start a chat with them or just know what they are up to!

How Each Button Will Work
Now I will describe in a fair bit more detail how each of the buttons seen in the above image will all work:

Add Friend:
When you click this button it will pop up with an edit menu similar to that of the add server menu, here you will be able to add there name to your list.


If you spelt the name wrong or you just need to replace it with something else you can use the edit button

This will be part of a private message system completely private unlike that of current server plugins like essentials that allow admins to use commands like /socialspy making it not private. Users who are in game will be able to access the friends list by using a separate button located in the menu visible when you press the escape key. When you receive a message it will pop up on your chat feed as "You have received a new message" or if you are in the menu an arrow will pop up just right of the friends list button informing you that you have unread messages. Messages can also be sent while a user is offline allowing it to work almost like mail so you do not need to wait for them to come on the server you both play on! This would make it easy for players of servers to communicate with their members without needing to do things such as leave signs at their base or use an external program like Skype.

If you ignore someone you will not be able to view messages from them and you will not be able to see if they are online, they will always be displayed as offline! This button is to prevent possible spammers.....

Join Friend:

If you see someone is online and in a server you can just click join instead of having to go back to the main menu, add there server to the list and join them like that. This button will shorten the whole process of messaging one of your friends to ask what server they are on :)

If you have selected someone's name on the list and you don't want to have them selected just click cancel! It will unselect the highlighted name from the list. This is mostly for people who think they might accidently click delete on one of their friends or something!

Delete Friend:
:O This is the delete friend button! It will delete the person you have selected off your friends list completely! Never to been seen again....

Friend Options:

This will be one of the more advanced sections... in here you will be able to customize what you want your friends to be able to do. IE: Say whether or not you want them to be able to see you log on, if you want them to see what server you are on or if you want any of your friends to send you messages. There could also be a possible option for a different color nameplate for people in game so maybe friends can have a green nameplate instead of a grey one and people who are ignored get a red nameplate! So it is easier to find them or get rid of them if there are a lot of people around you!


I think the idea of a friends list could be very easily created but might be difficult to maintain as there might have to be a very large server to host all of the data. I see this idea very possible as a Mod or even part of the official game! It would be a very great aspect of the game and would help improve and build the already amazing community that is Minecraft!

I hope you enjoyed this blog and I hope you like my Minedea!

PS: If anyone want to make this mod and needs my help with any of the buttons of to get more info on something please PM me! Would love to hear about it :)

Please diamond and favourite this and please comment because I would love to hear some feedback from all of you!


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11/23/2013 11:51 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
DevilishDoctor's Avatar
How dare you have honeydew blocked.
11/23/2013 11:07 pm
Level 46 : Master Herobrine
medievalheroes's Avatar
Honeydew; I hate that guy! Nah he is alright, but I don't watch his content.... find it all to childish and over advertised.
12/06/2012 1:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
qharouff's Avatar
This is an incredible Idea!
12/05/2012 7:47 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Modder
jarvis54's Avatar
YES best idea EVER!!!!
12/05/2012 5:04 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Geek
TARLACHRed's Avatar
Cute idea. :P
12/05/2012 2:39 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Button Pusher
Avalanche_Ali's Avatar
at minecon Jeb discussed how this will be added to the game
12/06/2012 7:41 am
Level 46 : Master Herobrine
medievalheroes's Avatar
Well lets hope he uses this layout idea :)!
12/05/2012 5:49 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Jego's Avatar
Interesting... Was this recorded?
12/05/2012 2:09 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Blacksmith
MemoryLeak21's Avatar
Yeah, there's mods like this, but people would have to DOWNLOAD the mod and it would only work on servers who had this installed. This would be a great idea if it were implemented into vanilla Minecraft.
12/05/2012 1:55 pm
Level 49 : Master Pyro
Howzieky's Avatar
Can I still use this idea if I had it a LONG time ago?
