Published Dec 29th, 2015, 12/29/15 1:59 am
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Here is a list of AWESOME heads, for builds, or just for fun!
the command to get heads on single-player in /give (your username) minecraft:skull 1 3 {skullowner:(username)}
(i.e /give JoeLeBlancMC minecraft:skull 1 3 {skullowner:JoeLeBlancMC}
Note: some of these heads might change over time.
if there is a head you would like to be featured here, comment the username.
the command to get heads on single-player in /give (your username) minecraft:skull 1 3 {skullowner:(username)}
(i.e /give JoeLeBlancMC minecraft:skull 1 3 {skullowner:JoeLeBlancMC}
for a Gaster head, use the username WDGaster
for a Papyrus head, use the username Bonetrousle
for an Alphys head, use the username Dr_Alphys
for an Undyne head, use the username Undyne_
for an Asgore head, use the username king_asgore
for a Toriel head, use the username toriel_
for a Chara head, use the username frisk_
for a MettatonEX head, use the username _mettaton_
for a Papyrus head, use the username Bonetrousle
for an Alphys head, use the username Dr_Alphys
for an Undyne head, use the username Undyne_
for an Asgore head, use the username king_asgore
for a Toriel head, use the username toriel_
for a Chara head, use the username frisk_
for a MettatonEX head, use the username _mettaton_
for an orange head, use the username wulfric17
for a bonnnie head, you can use one of three usernames, 1. Bonnie_Bunny_ 2. bonnie_fnaf 3. squid984
for a Freddy head, use the username freddy_fazbear
for a Foxy head, use the username Foxy_The_Pirate
for a Marionette head use the username _The_Marionette_
for a Fredbear head, use the username fredbear_
for a Freddy head, use the username freddy_fazbear
for a Foxy head, use the username Foxy_The_Pirate
for a Marionette head use the username _The_Marionette_
for a Fredbear head, use the username fredbear_
if there is a head you would like to be featured here, comment the username.
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1 Update Logs
Update #1 : by JoeLeBlancMC 12/29/2015 5:01:52 pmDec 29th, 2015
12/29/15 added Alphys, Undyne, Asgore, Toriel, MettatonEX, and Chara. Also added section titled "Colors" and Orange head
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place a command block:
paste this: /give @p skull 1 3 {display:{Name:"SO SORRY"},SkullOwner:{Id:"3559da22-a196-4ea6-b211-b78444f8a245",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTY1YzkzNjU3NTRiOGFiZjQ3ODgyYzQxM2NiMmQwYzBkZTU0OThiZDE1MDA0NTUyMGE2MGEyM2FhM2M3MjExIn19fQ=="}]}}}
I also made skins for Gerson, Shyren, Monster Kid, Annoying Dog, Mad Dummy, Shopkeeper in snowdin, Librarian in snowdin, Nice Cream Guy, the snow sans, and the Golden Annoying dog totems on the Dog Shrine.
sanstheskelebro for error sans (why does it exist?)
GoatMama for Toriel.
Scraggy for Monsterkid.
Hoi_IMTEM for temmie
TemShopkeeper may work
SPIDERDANCE or maybe Spider_Dance for muffet
FRISKut for frisk
For Chara's head use the name "Chara"
For a papyrus head "Thegreatpapyrus"
For asriel's head use "storyshiftasriel"
For error sans head use "Errorsans"
For storyshift chara's head use "Storyshift_chara"
For Horrortale sans head use "Sans_"
For Temmies head use "Asgore_"
For sans use "Sanstheskeleton" or "Undertale_fan"
(He is my friend and most likely will not change skin)