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Minecraft is NOT an educational game.

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Forgelander's Avatar Forgelander
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
There's been blogs saying minecraft is educational, which i 100% disagree with, i'll give you reasons why:<br><br>1. It's too unrealistic in order to educate.<br>Some of those blogs i've talked about have said that minecraft is educational because it has real life ores, trees etc, but still it's not how it is in real life, you can't educate kids with a unrealistic game people, i mean can you punch wood in realife? no, can you just make anything with your bare hands in realife? no, see my point?<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>2. It's too mindnumbing.<br>Now this is where i'll probably get flamed for this, but i don't care, if you want your kid to get educated by a game, don't pick minecraft, don't take it the wrong way i like minecraft, but it's a serious waste of time, let's say you spent what, like 2-3 hours on minecraft? did i get smarter? no, did i become more educated? no, all i did was waste my time, kids are just going to spend so much time on the game and learn nothing, they'll probably drop grades.<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>And finally..<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>3. The game never was meant to be educatonal.<br>When notch first developed the game, he never had an idea for it to be educational, and i'm sure he never wanted it to be, so i don't think people should claim MC as educational, nothing is educational about blocks anyways.

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12/16/2017 5:27 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Cowmaster5000's Avatar
I think galactic craft mode actually is educational.
07/22/2014 10:23 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
MissMinecraftGirl's Avatar
Then why do you even have a PMC account?!? It's like you are supporting something that you don't support. WHAT THE HECK?!?
07/10/2014 11:41 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
TheEnderCat5's Avatar
Minecraft CAN BE educational. Before I played minecraft, I could care less about ores, different types of trees, and biomes. But when I got the game, I learned about all of those things. Also redstone teaches you a bit about electronics in real life, and building advanced stuff can teach you to be an architect or designer in real life. Making skins could possibly get you into the fashion business or the graphic designer business. Besides, some people even have coding classes for Minecraft (I attended one recently, it was interesting) that teach you to code in Java, which could land you a job programming stuff for a company. Minecraft was not meant to be educational, but has the potiental to be educational.
06/11/2014 9:11 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Skeltal's Avatar
ssshh,we need teachers to believe its educational.
06/11/2014 9:13 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Forgelander's Avatar
>tfw trying to be sneaky.
04/29/2014 6:15 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
Minecraft by itself isn't educational

Now the potential it has for educational applications is ENORMOUS and the reasons why aren't "because it has real life ores, trees etc". Whoever's telling you that doesn't fully understand why Minecraft's considered by many to be an educational game.

The game itself most notably helps to develop spacial reasoning skills which are extremely helpful in subjects such as geometry, architecture, interior design, etc. Learning to work well with redstone helps develop innovation and problem solving skills which can be helpful in engineering, various mathematics, etc. The overall theme of encouraging a creative mindset can carry over into fine arts as well.

Plus, IT'S A VIDEO GAME (WOOT). Who doesn't enjoy those? Create a world set in a historical time period and have a player play through a notable historical event. BOOM history and geography. Am I going to remember some boring passage about the Roman Empire I read out of a textbook? Most likely...no. Am I going to remember details a world where I'm playing through a story set during the Roman Empire? Heck yes; AND I'll actualy enjoy it.
(I'm getting excited just typing this)

Believe it or not, Minecraft is already being used in some classrooms around the world in ways like these.

There's a whole world of effects it has on developing cognation too that I'm not going to get into because it takes too long.

The game can help people acquire the skills necessary to easily learn things, but it probably won't help anyone actually learn anything unless some prebuilding is done.
04/29/2014 7:53 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Forgelander's Avatar
A second comment of being a blog inside of a blog? nice comment though, just to know i changed my mind about minecraft being educational awhile ago.
04/29/2014 8:15 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
I know i saw that farther down
just got carried away when I started typing it X)
04/16/2014 1:23 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Archer
levi8george's Avatar
Minecraft it's self isn't that educational. I mean you build and may learn about structural stuff..but I mean you won't learn like you would in school. Running a server is where you learn stuff, I learned coding just by running a server. Over all a well written blog, take a diamond.
04/16/2014 1:52 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Forgelander's Avatar
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