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Minecraft: Story Mode Theory

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Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar Havingfun_ISKEY
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Just yesterday I picked myself a nice old copy of Minecraft: Story Mode by Telltale. I hadn't watched a single video of it because I wanted to experience the game for myself. I've only played the first episode so far, but WOW WAS IT WORTH IT!

As I played the game, however, I noticed a few...interesting things. Things naturally nobody managed to discover. I'm going to share with you a master theory of mine for this game. Telltale has NOT stopped their lore here!


For those of you still remaining, we all know of The Order of the Stone, the legendary group that allegedly defeated the Ender Dragon long ago. The group is made up of Soren the Archictect, Gabriel the Warrior, Eellegaard the Mechanic, Magnus the Rogue, and former member Ivor the (I'm CERTAIN about this) Potions Master. Ivor is the main antagonist of the series that for some reason really ticked off Gabriel and the rest of the group and was kicked out. Because of that, Ivor swore revenge and built a sort of wither to destroy the Minecraft World forever.

Note that there are five members...one outcast.

Our group of friends is made up of Jesse, Petra, Olivia, Axel, and Lukas. Olivia and Axel were Jesse's friends from the beginning and even lived together in a treehouse as close friends. Petra was an acquantence, but that's about it. Lukas, however, was part of the "Ocelots" building team, the opposing team of Jesse, Axel, and Olivia, but as chaos struck he was forced to pair with them. Unfortunately for Lukas, however, he is currently the outcast of the group and doesn't have any friends aside from Jesse and Petra, who is currently missing.

Five members...one outcast.

See where I'm getting here?

First things first, however, I need to explain exactly how I know what Ivor's role was in the Order of the Stone.

Minecraft: Story Mode Theory

When I first started playing this game and the Narrator introduced the four remaining members, I instantly remarked, "Odd...they forgot a potions guy. Potions are important in Minecraft."

Looks like they didn't forget after all.

But that's not it. Remember Ivor's lair and his vide variety of...stuff? But I'm not talking about any old stuff here. You and I both know he had BREWING material. 

But we can't forget about the most incriminating piece of evidence. The potion.

When Ivor attempts to stop the Wither by throwing what he THINKS is his finely-crafted potion onto it, it doesn't work and he gets upset. He said something along the lines of, "No! All that time I took caring for it..."

Obviously the potion Ivor had brewed up was an extremely difficult one to make, one only an extreme expert could prepare successfully. Not only that, but Ivor knows EXACTLY how it works and everything.

Now, onto comparing just how...similar the order of the Stone members are to our friends.

Minecraft: Story Mode Theory

Jesse is the main character and the leader of our group of misfits in Minecraft: Story Mode. From the start, he was enthusiastic for Build Battles and had faith in winning when nobody else did, and put multiple good words in on the planning of the structure. He is the one his friends naturally turn to for the final word, and your choices can influence how the game goes. Jesse has the natural skills of a leader and great builder.

This matches up exactly with Soren the Architect, who is mentioned to be the wise and fair leader of the Order of the Stone at the beginning of the game. Although not much is mentioned, it's fair to say he had to make tough descisions and had the final word on Ivor's demotion. Keep this in mind for later on.

Minecraft: Story Mode Theory

Olivia is the deuragonist of the series and Jesse's best friend. Over and over again she is a heavy influence on the decisions Jesse makes and he can agree or disagree with her as many times as he likes. Olivia is shown to be a great planner and a crafty person with redstone and mechanical engineering, even showing interest in a command block Ivor had in his lair.

Clearly, Eellegaard the Mechanic is the best match for her. I haven't played the second episode yet, so I don't know much about Eellegaard's personality, but I can bet that they're somewhat the same: helpful, caring, and impatient.

Another piece of evidence is Olivia's obvious respect toward Ellegaard and her work toward the end of Episode 1 and begs Jesse to join her to find Ellegaard first.

Another deuragonist of the series and a good friend of Jesse, Petra is a loyal and witty companion. Adventurous, shrewd, tough, and impressive with a sword, Petra has proven herself worthy with the title of a warrior.

Warrior...sounds familiar, doesn't it? This time, I have a lot to go off of. For example, Petra is the only one of the group who can actually defend herself to a certain degree and was actually brave enough to fight with Gabriel. If it weren't for her, Jesse would have become monster food several times.

This time, though, skill isn't the only thing I have a lead on. Petra and Gabriel seem closely connected. In the battle against the wither, not only did she save Gabriel and Jesse's butts MULTIPLE times, she also stayed to fight with the both of them, leading to her disappearance.

Kind of ironic since in the Order of the Stone, GABRIEL is the only one who isn't "missing". I think Telltale did that on purpose.

Kind of the "big brute" of the series, Axel is a well-meaning friend but doesn't forgive easily. He will more often than not blame problems on other people and cause hardships among his friends, "destroying" their relationships.

Hehe. I think you get it. Unfortunately for me, Axel doesn't show too much of an interest in griefing yet, but his metaphorical destructive nature matches Magnus perfectly. Again, I don't know Magnus's personality yet, but I'm willing to bet they're quite the same.

Speaking of which...

As I mentioned before, Lukas is the outcast of the group: alone and unwanted, only receiving quiet support from Jesse as he deals with the hardships ahead. He's a bit of a coward, but he tries his best to contibute.

Unfortunately for people like Axel, this isn't enough.

Axel resents Lukas and blames him for Petra's disappearance. The two start bickering and Jesse is forced to calm them down. Depending on what you choose to say, you can lean heavily on Axel's side, Lukas's side, or stay neutral as possible. The arguing becomes so bad that Lukas announces that he should just leave. During this time, you can either successfully convince Lukas to stay or he will storm angrily out of the hut all by himself.

Sound familiar, don't you think? This sounds like Lukas and Ivor are one and the same. In fact, I'm willing to bet the EXACT SAME situation happened when it came down to Ivor "leaving": he might have had an argument with one of the group members (most likely Gabriel since he REALLY seems to have a bone to pick with him) that led to Soren regretfully telling Ivor to leave and never come back. I think history's repeating itself all over again.

So, if you liked this blog and want more, let me know in the comments! I can't wait to play the second episode! Ellegaard, here I come!
CreditTelltale for the game

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12/20/2015 1:13 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
GraciousMaximus's Avatar
"But when one story ends, a new one begins..."
yep you are correct about the history repeating itself thing
correctimongo or whatever
12/20/2015 11:08 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Yep, it's said in-game!
12/11/2015 4:26 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
"When Ivor attempts to stop the Wither by throwing what he THINKS is his finely crafted potion onto it, it doesn't work and he gets upset. He said something along the lines of, "No! All that time I took caring for it..."

Obviously the potion Ivor had brewed up was an extremely difficult one to make, one only an extreme expert could prepare successfully. Not only that, but Ivor knows EXACTLY how it works and everything."

I think you misunderstand, Axel stole it from him, replacing it with water. So it would've worked, but by the time it was thrown the wither covered it's command block/chest. Just saying ;)

Nice blog!
12/11/2015 7:00 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Um...I know that. When Ivor threw the "potion" at the Wither, he thought it was the actual potion and was upset it didn't work like it was supposed to.
12/11/2015 7:07 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
That's what I mean ;)
12/11/2015 8:00 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Then how am I mistaken?
12/20/2015 1:12 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
GraciousMaximus's Avatar
i think i get it. if he was an 'extreme' potions master he would know that it wasnt the potion.
11/26/2015 7:45 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Oofyeet's Avatar
Axel is like Kenny from the Walking Dead. He's a good friend but he won't forgive people easily. Nice theory!
11/26/2015 7:48 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
You are very lucky that I played the first episode of the game a week and a half ago on my Ipod because it was free or else I'd have no idea what you're talking about. :P

I like Kenny. You know that one argument about whether to kick Duck out or not? I sided with him, and I got "Kenny will remember your loyalty" three times in a row. xD
11/26/2015 7:51 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Oofyeet's Avatar
They have it on Ipods? What? I always played it on my PS3...
