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Minecraft Tutorial: How to make a city (Pop Reel!!!)

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Ridge4's Avatar Ridge4
Level 20 : Expert Architect
Hello Minecraftters! Today I will be giving tips on how to make a good city. 

1: What type of city: To start off, you should decide what type of city you want to create, Modern, Old, Abandoned, Megacity, Rich city, ect, and how large you want it to be. Finding these out will be useful down the road when you start to actually build it. 

2: City features: Once you decide what type of city you want to create, then you should think about the main features your city will have. How will your citizens get around? Public Transit, Airports, Trainstations, Bus Stations, Roads, Cars, ect. Will your city be famous for anything? Large structures, Beautiful landscapes, ect. Where will your citizens live? Houses, Apartments, Hotels, Condos, ect.

3: City location: Where in the world of minecraft do you want your city to be? Snowy area, Desert area, Plains area, Mountains area, ect. This is also useful down the road. And if you have Worldpainter or Worldmachine, you can create your own world for your city.

4: City planning: OK, so you've figured out what your city will be like, what it will have, and where it will be. Now you have to do a bit of planning of where everything will be. This might take a bit more time but is critical to how your city will turn out. Where will your parks go, where will your suburban area go, where will your airport go, how will your roads be set up, bridges, apartments, how will your city look. I suggest getting out a peice of paper and sitting down designing how it will look and work.

5: Test builds: Now that all this is figured out and done, you want to get building: but not yet. Go on a new superflat world and start building some test builds. Make streetlights and make a bit of road, maybe make vending machines, design all the little things in this world so you wont be experimenting how you make it in the real city. Fiddle around with them and get them just right.

6: The city build: When you start to make the real deal build, I suggest starting with the roads. They end up forming a grid like pattern and this can be useful when you start to make buildings. When you start to make buildings, make and COMPLETLY finish that building before you move on. It will be difficult to go back to every frame of the builidng later and add interiors and what not. Also make the interiors match whatever the building looks like. Ex: If you have a log cabin, make the inside look old, rustic. If you have an ultra modern home, make it feel modern, luxurious. Eventually, after a long time of building and sticking to it, you will end up with a final result.

7: Naming your city: You can name your city before you start building, but I would wait. Wait to see what your city looks like, then find a name that fits it. Make it original and make it sound good.

8: Stick with the project: I know sometimes its hard to stick to a project that is so massive and hard, but If you do, the end result is great.

9: When your city is done, and you want to share it, I suggest making the first picture rendred. I use chunky, simple and easy but still great renders. Then make sure you get the other screenshots of places that your proud of, or main features of your city to show. Also make the description (if your posting it on a site that lets you have a descrpition) so that it tells a bit about the city, any main features, ect.

10: Great build: If your city is make well and others like it, you get diamonds!!! (PMC)

I hope you like my first blog! Diamonds are also apreciated!!!

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07/29/2017 11:44 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Engineer
MrWizz's Avatar
Pretty nice guide! However, just like with the city district you can find on my profile, I don't always finish my builds before I move on. After a while, I come back with more inspiration and ideas and I finish it! It helps to keep the city looking less boring, as I often add details that are more unique and well thought. It can also dramatically increase the workflow :)

I don't build roads first either, but the rest can be very useful to know! Keep it up!
-Yumiko Rii-
04/14/2016 3:17 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
-Yumiko Rii-'s Avatar
Really Good Guide! It really helped me ouo *Diamond, favourites and subscribes*
04/14/2016 4:50 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
Ridge4's Avatar
Thx! I really appreciate it :)
-Yumiko Rii-
04/14/2016 5:59 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
-Yumiko Rii-'s Avatar
No prob! Ou--
08/27/2014 7:08 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pokémon
xuamba's Avatar
NIce this helped me a lot :D Currently Im biulding a modern city, Ill post it in a few hours when I get more things done!
08/28/2014 8:44 am
Level 20 : Expert Architect
Ridge4's Avatar
Oh good! I was actually going to try to make a city myself so i thought of a way to plan it out, and it was so good, I made it a blog for others to use! Glad it helped!!! :)
08/26/2014 6:32 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Pig
Aequotis's Avatar

08/26/2014 6:36 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
Ridge4's Avatar
Thx Adam! I thought I might make a city myself one day, so I wrote the blog for others to use too, aswell as myself. :)
08/26/2014 3:41 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
The thing about building MC cities is, in real life you start with a small settlement of people who build buildings to work, then attract more people who then do the same thing.  In minecraft it's just you trying to recreate the final effect of these actions, which is a whole lot harder than it seems.
08/26/2014 3:45 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
Ridge4's Avatar
Ya it starts off small, then gets bigger into a whole city. Your exactly right. :)
