This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Article

Minedeas: Tutorial Level

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BrickCraft2's Avatar BrickCraft2
Level 11 : Journeyman Pokémon
Io m sure many of you are familiar with the older versions of Minecraft. Back before Alpha 1.2.2 there was a tutorial button. This tutorial button was never able to be clicked on during its existence. In Alpha 1.2.2, Mojang removed it.

My Minedea is to bring back the tutorial level. The Xbox version of the game has a great tutorial for the game. It explains everything you need to know for basic Minecraft survival and more.screenshotpng

Back in 1.2.5, I was showing my friend my awesome house I had built. It was atop a mountain with a minecart track going from the base of the mountain- to the top- and back down again. My friend saw how awesome the game was and decided to buy it himself. I did not have time to teach him how to play as I was leaving to go somewhere. Half an hour later he called me complaining that he couldn't figure out how to play.

There is a Minecraft Wiki, but it would be much more convenient if you could learn all the basics right in the game. Like the Xbox version, this map could be filled with Easter eggs to find. Even the more experienced players will have fun looking for the Easter eggs. Thanks for reading. Comment if you would like to see this put back into Minecraft, except this time it is actually used!


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01/09/2015 3:30 pm
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
RIBANNI's Avatar
I guess this is dead.
12/24/2012 4:00 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Skinner
Kaduu's Avatar
I will not Subscribe,I will...
Snbscylbei :D
