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MinerShoes, Skindex, etc. = Content Snatching

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Retired Moderator
Level 45 : Master Blob
If any of you are skinners you would know about MinerShoes, Skindex and any other skin sharing site. What I'm getting at here is that these sites are the biggest sites to steal content from and post it onto here.

If you go into the 'Skins' category, I guarantee you that most of the skins you are seeing are either stolen from MinerShoes or edited from there without any credit to the original creator. This really angers me and all the legit skinners of PMC.

Just today in the 'Skins' category I hit the Flag/Report button a total of five times. Why? People just love to steal skins from other sites so they can get the credit and experience points to level up. Skins are the easiest to snatch because all it requires is a download and a file upload and you're good. People completely take skins to an advantage because they are just simply too lazy to create their own skin. To those people I say, lazy! It DOESN'T matter how good/bad your skin is! What MATTERS is ORIGINAL content. If you can provide original content no matter how bad it is, you will be okay! People upload great content they find from these sites in hopes of getting a massive amount of XP they don't even deserve.

Another thing that quite annoys me is people steal skins from PMC and post them on MinerShoes. If you get on MinerShoes ever you WILL see skins that you see here on PMC. Then you realize that the skin posted is FROM PMC.

Once again, PMC has so many people stealing its content and so many people putting stolen content on the site because of the massive amount of people that get on PMC everyday! Minecraft doesn't even seem legit anymore with all this content snatching going on. What PMC needs is a type of system that will prevent people uploading stolen content on it. However that won't be easy to do, especially if none of us have any ideas.

How Can I Stop This?

What we can do to stop these annoying acts is following this list:

1. If you see a skin that looks exceptional and the person has no description about it, something is wrong.

2. Always check MinerShoes or any other similar site if you are unsure about something.

3. If you DO find a stolen skin ALWAYS use the Flag/Report button, DO NOT create forum posts about it. It will be a waste of time.

I'm sure there are many other tactics on how to solve this issue but these are the basic ones that I use. I see stolen skins everyday and whenever I do see them I never hesitate to click that Flag/Report button and I recommend the same to all of you.

If we work together, we can possibly decrease the amount of skin stealing there is on this site.

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06/29/2016 3:40 pm
Level 25 : Expert Toast
#1 in 'How can I stop this' in my opinion isn't very accurate, because I usually don't add a description and I don't steal skins.
07/25/2015 12:34 am
Level 20 : Expert Artist
I use MNCS, but when I'm browsing through the "Most Popular  this week" I garentee atleast 4 skins are stolen from here. Legit skin maker, dumb people on it.
07/24/2015 2:28 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Narwhal
If a skin is on PMC and MNCS it could be by someone who has an account on both sites or it could be someone from PMC stole it from MNCS and got away with it. This site isn't perfect. Also, think you can insult the MNCS community? Try me. None of my friends there steal, and if you trash-talk one of them I will defend them, even with my life if I need to.
07/25/2015 12:36 am
Level 20 : Expert Artist
-_- These are just sites Silver you don't protect with your life.
07/25/2015 5:44 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Narwhal
Say that if I ever meet u irl and a guy's holding a knife to your throat :P unlikely, but possible
07/25/2015 9:16 am
Level 20 : Expert Artist
True (x
09/24/2014 5:01 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pokémon
I make my skins form scratch in MinerShoes.  Now, it starts out as blank, but you can still edit others skins, but thats just dumb and for the people who edit others skins and dont give credit, you should be banned from here.
08/17/2012 4:04 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Skinner
I'm a legit skinner.
07/21/2012 2:15 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Some people use those sites for personal use, just saying.
07/15/2012 6:45 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
is it OK to upload your own stuff from miners shoes and stuff like that?
