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Mod Review #1: The Crafting Dead Mod!

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wyvern314's Avatar wyvern314
Level 27 : Expert Artist
Hey guys it's Wyvern314 writing my first Mod Review and I will be reviewing The Crafting Dead Mod! First off, I'll talk about the main part of the mod: NEW ZOMBIES! I bet you're like "Oh noes! New Zombies!?" and thats not the half of it. The zombies are hostile, and don't burn under the sun. The zombies are like Zombie Pigmen, I.E. If you attack one, all of the others in a certain perimiter that DON'T see you will attack. If that happens, you're dead. Also, the zombies DON'T burn in daylight, so you need to start with some weapons and watch your back.

There are also new weapons, but they are NOT craftable. You can only find them in the new buildings and ruins added in the mod. The weapons include assault rifles, shotguns, and pistols, but to SHOOT them you need ammunition, and each gun has special ammunition. There are also more modern day blades, like the axe and the Kitchen knife. There is also a sledgehammer and a broken chainsaw. They don't have a working one for some reason!

There is also the new thirst bar, which can be replenished by drinking the new drinks found in the mod. There is Milk, Soda (Red, Blue, or Green) Water, and Energy Drinks. The Water rehydrates you the most, and the energy drink the least. All and all it's my favorite mod. Ever.

P.S. Here is the link to the modpack on tekkit. It only has the crafting dead mod. http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/official-crafting-dead-mod.41792

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03/20/2018 4:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ZachAttack1998's Avatar
nevermind xd i see it i think
03/20/2018 4:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ZachAttack1998's Avatar
how do i get a modpack from somebody for a mod pack on my version in minecraft i would like to know how to get a modpack of the crafting dead and a map from someone as well because i am thinking about starting my own roleplay once i get a job again and start having a server paid each month or something like that i just would like to know how i could get the crafting dead modpack please can someone help me figure that out please i would really appreciate it thx
01/09/2016 4:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Phatom_foxy1's Avatar
i cant download it
