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Modding Status: Obsidian Ingots, FlansMod Update & more...

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aidancbrady's Avatar aidancbrady
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
Hello once again.

After (a) reaching 3,000 views on my previous blog, (b) 150,000 on this site alone for Obsidian Ingots, and (c) being supported by the lovely Xistence, I decided to make another one. By the way, today is my birthday!

Obsidian Ingots
Let's start with my favorite mod. Obsidian Ingots has gotten so popular over the past few months I can't even believe it. It started out as a simple "more tools & armor" mod, and over time became one of the most downloaded and viewed mods in existence. It's been reviewed by dozens of YouTubers now and I've even been noticed some times on the IRC. In fact, it's grown SO much that I have had several requests to include it in the Technic Pack. That's enough bragging, though. Let me tell you about the features I've recently added.

  • Obsidian Ingots now includes it's own energy system. This means that you can power your machines either by my patented energy devices, or powered indirectly with the enormous power units or even IC2, BC, or UE electricity. This means you can efficiently manage your machines' power supply without having to constantly insert redstone.
  • Obsidian Ingots is now one of the most compatible mods out there. It uses a tiny 7 block IDs, all configurable in it's config file. However, I've taken it one step further. Using indirect object retrieval, I've managed to set up an incredible system of common items used between all major mods. For instance, if IndustrialCraft is installed, Obsidian Ingots will not load it's gold and iron dust in order to use IndustrialCraft's in place. Same works for other mods, Obsidian Dust will be mirrored to RailCraft dust if needed.
  • Obsidian Ingots is now open source! Look on it's post for the link and additional details, but you all now have the opportunity to learn from the mod's code.

Flan's Mod
I'm sure you all are interested in my job of updating Flan's Mod. Personally, I've greatly enjoyed the opportunity to work alongside Flan in updating one of the most highly regarded mods out there. I'm not going to give a release date as I did last time, but I promise I'll do everything I can to have it released as soon as possible. Here's a quickly-put-together list of bugs I have encountered that are currently not fixed. Also, unlike last time I will keep this blog updated with the known bugs!

  1. Gun reloading is broken. You are able to shoot and the guns move onto the next clip when they are empty, but the clips remain in your inventory.
  2. MGs are terribly bugged. They don't drop themselves when you break them, don't mount when you right click them, and randomly appear and disappear. May not be seeing them in the 1.4 update.
  3. Plane and vehicle entity client -> server synchronization is not yet implemented. In other words, when you fly a plane, it reverts back to it's original location every 10 or so seconds.
  4. Plane and vehicle inventories are not useable.

That's it for now.

Thanks for reading
I never got to say thank you for receiving all the support I have for my mods. I'd like to take this time to thank a few dedicated members of my support group.

  • Thank you Xistence for supporting me all this time and giving me suggestions on how to make my mod better.
  • Thank you minnymin3 for helping me spot bugs in Obsidian Ingots' new energy system.
  • Thank you Hawkflight for sticking with me from the beginning and never losing faith in my mods.
  • Thanks again to everyone else who has supported me! I'm glad you all appreciate what I do, because I have such a great time doing it.

Thanks again!

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10/26/2012 5:00 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Toast
Xistence's Avatar
:o didn't know my "stalker-esque" watch on your modding life was helping in some way. Congrats on the largest (so far recognized) "More tools & armor" mod in minecraft history, I've downloaded each update religiously, of all of your mods, and I've seen each time you learned a new type of coding in each, incorporating ForgeAPI, and each and every of the "electricity" mods, it's been a huge undertaking, I mean the amount of content you bring is insane for that of a modder that had been just learning in the beginning. In my opinion, you are up there in the greats list, you're PMC page has a permanent spot in my bookmarks bar, and several spaces in my PMC favorites list. I believe aswell that you should allow tekkit to use Obsidian Ingots, as it will not only put your name on yet another important list, next to some of the greatest modders out there, and it would provide more people another "branch" of tekkit to explore, besides EE,IC,RP,and BC. Now onto Flan's mod... I'd always revered Flan as one of the greatest modders of history, because he had finally found a way to bring flying, controllable entities, into minecraft, successfully. That is a major accomplishment, which the latest update will pose a massive problem to. We all know with the latest update SSP has integrated with SMP, which means that now all code must work serverside, and as minecraft's engine love with entities serverside.... is less than generous... but as the masters you two are, I expect you to surpass the lines drawn in the code, find that one loophole in the wall, to finally sync entities properly, (if so you could probably even make an API to lead the rest of the community out of what I call the SSPocalypse.) As long as you can break the 1.3.2+ barrier, you will cement your place with the greats. I'mma rap up this rant of a comment, since a hurricane is preparing to bring a massive force to our flimsy home, and I've got to go tie down important things before the internet goes down aswell, Keep up the amazing work buddy, thanks for all of this, I'll keep stalkin'!

P.s. Happy Birthday bro!
10/26/2012 6:26 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
aidancbrady's Avatar
Wow, didn't expect such a wonderful comment. I hope you realize how much I appreciate this, it's really what keeps me going in my modding career. My wishes are with you regarding the hurricane, good luck!

10/26/2012 7:48 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Toast
Xistence's Avatar
I didn't realize that it did that much till now, I've been dabbling in code myself, working on structure generation, it's been a bit out of my league but it's a learning process. I'm looking through some of AtomicStryker's Sources, (maintainer of the Ruins Mod) and plan to go off of his plans there, and possibly work up an enhanced version for my structure generation, using enhanced TML's, considering my plans are not accomplished in his original code. Hopefully this hurricane is another one that is just over hyped, Oh and well, you should keep modding so well, I honestly don't see why you don't go all out, with what you do, you mostly work behind the scenes quietly... and then BAM, greatness, you need to pull out your super mod, your brainchild, your... Masterpiece. Although you already have one amazing legacy, which I may add is now open source so everyone can learn from your greatness, and you better know I'll be giving it a read... or a hundred. Thanks again bro, Oh and if you can pass this subliminal message to Flan.... NPC Plane entities.... Just an extremely complex message idea :D
10/28/2012 7:03 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
aidancbrady's Avatar
Seemingly complicated yet interesting and compelling idea. Will consider & definitely pass along to Flan :)
10/28/2012 9:34 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Toast
Xistence's Avatar
Oh yes, and when/if you guys crack the entity-server synchronization issues, because 1.3.2 destroyed all hope for This Mod, aswell, and maybe if you guys find a way to bypass the synchronization issues, could pass on a bit of wisdom, because that has also brought woe to this modmeister, if that wouldn't be too much of an issue. You could lead Entity Code into the future ^_^
10/26/2012 3:55 pm
Level 28 : Expert Geek
Hawkflight's Avatar
Happy birthday, Aidan!
10/26/2012 6:26 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
aidancbrady's Avatar
Forgot to mention you Hawkflight, you've stuck with me from the beginning. Added you to the 'appreciation list' :)

