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Monstercat Charity Event

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User_Deleted's Avatar User_Deleted
Level 19 : Journeyman Toast
Hey guys!

Alright, so I've spent all day at the Monstercat - Minecraft Charity Concert

It was amazing...

But it's sadly over. ;(

Anyway, i'll give you an idea what it looked like.

Behind the Imagine I have shown, was a huge dance floor.

On this dance floor, there were hundreds of people.

Hundreds of people laughing, talking, and dancing.

There were lasers flying everywhere, making designs, patterns, and such.

On the ground, there was a huge Monstercat insignia that lit up from time to time.

The image I have shown is of StereoTronique's logo, whilst under it an animated Monstercat mixes the song played.

(While actually, we had to listen to the like.. 5 hour long remix hosted by Monstercat live.)

Usally, there were 2 Monstercats dancing on the stage, while one flew over the dance floor.

And it was amazing.

There were 20 servers, and 950 people on a server at one time. (Roughly)

There were 2400 people all together.

The artists from Monstercat made MC accounts and played with us.

I got a picture with 7MinutesDead, and with SkytheKidRS.

A total of 20,300$ to Charity.

We almost broke a world record.. (Total players.. 600 off)

The artist on the stage changed between like 5 different artists each day, corresponding with the remix.

It lasted a whole day, and I was glad to be a part of it.

It will be forever in my mind.

Enjoy this video? Did you? Well, you can Diamond, Favorite, and my favorite,

CreditMonstercat, for putting on the best concert of all time.

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07/15/2013 12:25 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
Crafterkid123Gaming's Avatar
Why did sky have to close the fricking clients I WANTED TO FUCKING GO
07/15/2013 3:33 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Toast
User_Deleted's Avatar
Hey hey, no need to get sad.. get glad! ;D
No, but I actually got the client from a youtube video, since the client on the website wasn't responding. Alltthhoouugghh... It was working during the event. So, you should of really checked out the actual website. x-x Sorry.
