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most common, rarest, hated and farest biomes

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SamirJusufovic's Avatar SamirJusufovic
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
the most common is ocean biome
here's a video that i made, i was flying like 60 minutes and guess what i found oceans

the most rarest biome is: mushroom biome

the most hated biome is: snow biome - when ever i use a spam seed or just a random one i always spawn on snow biome X_X 45 % chance. I know that jeb and notch live in sweden and sweden is cold and snowy but does minecraft have to be it too

jungle biome >_< 45% chance too. i know huge trees, cats that scare creepers, many wood. but i always spawn in jungle biome or snow biome that kinda annoying . but nevermind about jungle biomes i mean flint and steel solves the problem... right ??????

and the most farest biome is the: flatlands biome---- you have to walk about 30.000.000 block to get to them

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09/08/2016 5:41 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Lurkah's Avatar
Actually JungleEdge M is the rarest biome, and it always has been.
02/19/2014 6:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ranweiler's Avatar
i really like mega taigas!
