Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

My first Blog! How to make a custom color loading screen with optifine? #1

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CryptCreep's Avatar CryptCreep
Level 59 : Grandmaster Lad
Hi, its my first blog so i am going to teach you something easy guys.
I love how minecraft let you express your creativity and how you can personalize your game by texturepacks and mods.
So how you can change loading screen color with optifine resource pack?
First, in your resource pack you should create new folder, called "optifine". the path should looks like:
Then in "optifine" folder you should create text document called "color.properties"
(lets pretend that your favourite color is purple so you want to change loading screen color to purple)

In this document write or just copy from there: WARNING! If you copy, you must copy "line by line". All lines MUST be in their place like below! "#" symbol means "comment" so all things after this symbol are not important and you dont have to copy them.

# Resource loading screen
# Background color
# Loading bar background color
# Loading bar outline
# Loading bar foreground color


the "6ba29a" means colors, you can check what your favourite color is named on this site: https://www.colorhexa.com/6ba29a

Enjoy! If you have any problems, write in the comments.

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02/13/2021 2:29 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
TimeWarpDrive's Avatar
Soo, I've used this technique before I saw this, but the mojang logo loads behind the colors for some reason. Do you know why that'd be?
01/06/2021 9:36 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
BlockyBen's Avatar
Can you do a tutorial video? So it's easier to understand, I'm really confused, Update : It doesn't work I don't know what is wrong ;-;
