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Need a title come up with one and you get credit. Chapter 1

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Darksoul128's Avatar Darksoul128
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Chapter 1
Thalan was training his swordsmanship in his garden when he heard running towards him he turned to see Princess Tayanis' handmaiden, she got up to him and breathed deeply,

"My lord Thalan the princess requires you to come to her chambers at once, she has dire news I believe." She panted, Thalan nodded and ran to his horse, he jumped on and spurred it towards the castle, the wind caused his long blue hair to billow behind him.

"What is wrong Tayani never calls anyone to her chambers." He said as he rode.
Thalan arrived at the castle, he passed his horses reins to a guard and hurried up the steps, as he reached the princess's room he saw no one around not even her guards. He knocked the door and he was called in. Upon entering he looked round the only person in the room was Tayani she was staring out the window.

"Thank you for hurrying here Thalan, I have sorrowful news. The barbarian army that my father rode to defeat." She said, Thalan nodded.

"My father and the army are dead, destroyed by someone who does not fit the barabarian description." She said as tears welled in her eyes. Thalan was in shock Nasahime's army while not the strongest should have felled barbarians.

"Who is this one that does not fit?" Thalan asked, Tayani held her tears back and explained that the army was doing well at holding the barbarians off but then someone in black armour with blood red lining appeared on the battlefield, he held great magic and quickly felled many units. Soldiers entered combat with him but he was strong and carried a scythe that with a flick of his wrist turned into a spear and then a sword. Her father King Rathen charged and exchanged blows but no matter what he tried. The stranger then sliced the king and quickly killed him. The barbarians cheered for him but many seemed fearful of him. One soldier had managed to get back to the castle but died after his report.

Thalan sat down he had known the king well,

"What happens now Tayani, if the barbarians get here then Nasahime will fall." He calmly said

"I do not know but with my father dead it means I am to be named Queen of Reno and I will lead the army." She timidly replied, Thalan stood up and told her a battlefield was not a place for her, she argued against him and reminded him that the monarch should be present for battle now matter what.

"Thalan please you are my oldest friend I ask that you accept this and more importantly that you stand beside me. Not as a warrior, knight or Paladin but as my friend and ally." She told him, Thalan sighed and said that no matter what he would be by her side. Tayani smiled and told him that in two days she would be named Queen and then immediately after that the rest of the army were to march to Gulung fields to intercept the barbarian force. Thalan bowed and said that he would prepare himself and his force. With that he turned and left heading back home for his armour and blade.

After stabling his horse Thalan went to his room and lay on his bed, he had known the royal family for a long time ever since he had rescued Tayani from a river she had fell into when they were both younger. Thalan had been raised in an orphanage after his parents passed away, his father was a foot soldier and had died in a war, his mother was weak and died from an illness. The day he rescued Tayani he was wandering the woods something he did to get away from the orphanage, he was sat by the river just listening to it flow past as it calmed him, he then heard screaming and saw a girl being dragged by the river, he dived in and grabbed before climbing out. He gave her his coat and waited with her while she calmed down, they talked for a while before her father arrived, Tayani quickly explained that Thalan had rescued her, the king thanked Thalan and asked him where lived. Thalan told the king his story and he took pity on him and offered him a place in the castle, Thalan declined his offer but Tayani dragged him back.

While living in the castle he was taught etiquette and swordsmanship, after a while he was told that he was able to learn the ways of a knight, Thalan replied that he did not wish to be a knight but a Paladin that was his dream and his promise to his mother before she died. The king granted his request and for the next 5 years he was taught the ways of a paladin in Jeasrul a neighbouring country of Halan, on his thirteenth birthday he returned as Reno's only Paladin and elite soldier. The king knighted him and put him in charge of a moderate force of soldiers, he was also to be in charge of Tayani whenever the King was not available to do so himself.

Thalan accepted these and was knighted Lord of Jasa a small plot of land not far from the castle. Now he and Tayani were both sixteen and in two days they were marching to war, Thalan sat up and walked to his equipment room, he looked at his pearl white armor trimmed with deep blue to match his hair, he brushed his hand over the chest plate and then went to his sword, he grasped the hilt and drew it out of its' sheath the blade shone in the moon light. He twirled the blade round a few times and swung a couple of times, he heard a cough behind him and turned to see Emily his housekeeper, she was a year younger than him but was wise beyond her years; her hair was short and brown, her eyes were deep black, she was pale and slim. She was wearing a green dress and pumps,

"My lord judging from you using your own sword and from the message the princess has sent that you will be away for sometime." She said, Thalan nodded and told her that she would be in charge of the house for a while, she smiled slightly and curtsied after she handed him the letter and walked out. She considered Thalan a friend as well as lord. Thalan read the letter which held all the details the soldier managed to report before he passed on,

"Powerful magic that seemed to be centred around fire and darkness, a scythe where the blade was on a hinge able to be turned into a spear and the handle is able to be shortened to be used as a sword. Exceptionally fast and strong, no horse and fights alone does not care who he kills with his powers, definitely not a barbarian while they have magicians they are not this strong and make sure not to hit allies." Thalan said to himself, he sighed and lay back on his bed, without him knowing he slipped into sleep.

"Thalan my lord it is time for you to wake ... Wake up!" Emily yelled into his ear, Thalan awoke instantly and flipped back over his bed,

"Ok Emily I'm sorry." he replied, she apologised and put the tray with his breakfast down, while Thalan ate she got his armour and sword and made sure to polish them, Thalan thanked her when he had finished eating, she smiled and curtsied telling him she did not need his gratitude before taking the tray and leaving. Thalan put his armour on and strapped his sword to his belt, he then put his shield on his back before heading to the stable, he saw Emily holding his horses reins it was kitted out in the armour designed especially for it, it matched his own, he then noticed some cuts on Emil's hands. She told him that it was no problem but he knew that it had come from the edges of the horse armour. Thalan told her that he could have done it himself but she replied that if she did not then she was not doing her job. She walked past him and wished him luck, Thalan smiled and thanked her before climbing atop his horse and returning to the castle.

When he arrived his force was already assembled, Thalan put them through many drills and when the sun had set he dismissed them. He went for a walk around the castle grounds, he ended up at the garden which is where he and Tayani spent most of their days years ago, he then saw her standing under a gazebo that housed a fountain; she was wearing a long white dress trimmed with purple which matched her mid-length hair that was a deep dark purple, she turned and smiled at him, Thalan saw her eyes which were also purple but a lighter shade. he walked over and asked what she was doing, she replied that it was where they had sat most days and that she often came here when she was upset. Thalan put an arm around her and told her that no matter what she would be happy, she thanked him and headed back into the castle, Thalan followed shortly and went to the room reserved for him.

The next day consisted of more training for most of the day but Thalan let his soldiers leave early as he knew that some may not return, he wandered the city for some time buying a few things and stopping some bullies, he returned back to the castle and went to sleep ready for the crowning and war.

The coronation began early many people both nobles and commoners were in and around the castle, Tayani walked between the crowds of people there were cheers for her, she looked up and saw Thalan stood beside the throne waiting for her she smiled and continued. When she sat upon the throne her mother walked over and recited the rites of the kingdom and what she shall uphold, she agreed to all these and she was crowned Queen of nasahime and the 15th ruler,

"My people I promise to keep you all safe and to lead the army to victory against the barbarians and against the one that felled my father King Jassen!" She called out, it was met with a roar of applause, Tayani turned and headed towards the armoury, she was followed by Thalan and her handmaiden. Thalan waited outside and when Tayani returned she was wearing silver armour and a rapier was tied to her belt. They proceeded to the courtyard and mounted their horses, Thalan whistled and a few of his men rode over to escort them out. Outside of the city the army was assembled the weapons and armour glinted in the sunlight, Tayani and Thalan took their place at the head of the army and they rode towards Gulung Field.

Within a few hours they reached the field and saw the barbarian army camped out on the other side, a shout was heard as someone rode across the field as they grew closer they saw that it was a messenger,

"Ahhh 'Queen' Tayani I presume, I believe that you know of how war works even we barbarians as you call us know of them." He spat out

"I do we camp here and when the sun rises again our armies shall clash." She replied with a stern tone, Thalan laughed to himself although she may not look it Tayani could be fierce when she needed to be, as the messenger rode away Thalan ordered for the camp to be set up and for defences to be made. Within a few hours all was done and Thalan and tayani were inside the command tent, Tayani's most trusted General besides Thalan entered General Yangto a large man with grey hair and beard, on his back was a large axe, his armor consisted of chain mail with some plates and fur lining.

"My Queen my scouts say that they cannot see the Knight that was spotted in their army before and our magicians cannot locate any strong magic signatures." He gruffly said, Tayani thanked him for his efforts and dismissed him, she sighed

"Thalan what shall we do you are a good strategist." She asked, Thalan thought and then said that it would be best to keep the mages defended so that they can unleash powerful spells and to have the archers pepper the barbarians with arrows while the infantry kept them at bay and with that he could lead the cavalry into a charge from the side. Tayani agreed with his plan and called forth the captains to tell them. With that done they went to sleep.

Thalan awoke to the sounds of war-cries and war horns, he quickly left his tent and mounted up heading to the head of the army again, as he passed the men cheered. When he reached the front he was met by Tayani and Yangto. Tayani told him that Yangto was leading the infantry charge and Tayani would be accompanying him, Thalan wanted to argue but knew it was futile. he nodded and turned his horse around and lead his force away while Yangto and Tayani marched down the field, he was at the right flank of the army. Within minutes the armies clashed and sounds of battle erupted from the field, metal clashes and arrow whooshes and the sounds of magic crackling through the air, Thalan could see Tayani's magic it was wind based and enabled her to cut down foes from afar. He smiled he had forgotten that she had gone through ruthless training as well, he spoke an incantation that would protect him and his men from magic as they charged, he drew his sword and roared as he spurred his horse onward into the enemy horde.

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06/30/2012 6:41 am
Level 21 : Expert Archer
SilverAnonMoonmaster's Avatar
Very good. I would suggest: The Barbarian's Shadow, or something to do with the strange knight.
06/20/2012 3:48 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Pirate
Tomskiddle's Avatar
brilliant! A firm favourite: name it Thalons fight or something, and yes, I'm ot vey creative.
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