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New Vanilla Light Source: Stained Glass

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Foxy's Avatar Foxy
Super Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
I recently came across an interesting feature of Stained Glass blocks: they have the ability to become illuminated or "lit up".

ImageThe square of Stained Glass on the left was placed after illumination technique was used to light up the right square.

My theory is that this has to do with how Stained Glass now occupies the space which Locked Chests used to take up and as most of you know, Locked Chests have a luminance level of 15 (the same level of intensity as blocks like Glowstone and Redstone Lamps). Because MCEdit thinks it's placing a bunch of Locked Chests, it lights up the area around them. Ingame, this lighting stays even though there's no block actually causing it.

There are probably a variety of ways to go about illuminating stained glass that I don't know about. However, the process I personally use is very simple:
1: Place your Stained Glass in a Minecraft world of your choice.
2: Open up the world using a version of MCedit released prior to the 1.7.2 update.
3: Edit the world in some way in the outdated MCedit program. It could be just deleting a single block, importing a schematic, etc. The edit doesn't even have to involve the Stained Glass
4: Save and close.

WARNING - This process results in the illumination of EVERY Stained Glass block in the world.

This feature is faulty and may stop working at times for reasons unknown.

Stained Glass placed after editing the world in MCedit will not have the illumination effect. The steps above can be reused/repeated if you want to illuminate more Stained Glass.
Small groups of stained glass tend to de-illuminate from time to time for reasons I'm not sure of. Placing anything ON TOP OF an illuminated Stained Glass block will also result in its de-illumination.

WARNING - This feature has not been confirmed by Mojang as official or purposeful and therefore has the potential to be fixed/removed in a future update. Build at your own risk.

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03/22/2015 11:10 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
ThePigott3's Avatar
One time I placed stained glass in my 1.7 world to see what it did in an earlier version. i should have thought about this!
10/02/2014 5:26 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
Plagiatus's Avatar
Does this still work (minecraft 1.8)? i tried that thing with the McEdit 0.1.6 but it didn't seem to illuminate the glass.

and btw: stained glass is the block with the id 95 ;)
10/02/2014 5:28 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
Plagiatus's Avatar
oh, okay, i think i found the mistake.. in 1.6.4 the block with the id 95 was not known as a locked chest. so therefore i used the 1.7.1 (64 bit) version and it works just awesome.
08/16/2014 12:01 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
rogawo's Avatar
This is a cool trick to use. Are there any bugs or glitches involved, for example will the glass despawn similar to how locked chests despawn?

By the way, it would be really cool if you used this for your spaceships!
08/27/2014 10:19 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
the glass itself doesn't despawn but that might explain why a few will deilluminate after a while
08/29/2014 11:47 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
rogawo's Avatar
hmm, thats good to know thanks
08/04/2014 8:26 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
HotPotato2004's Avatar
05/07/2014 2:19 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
RedHurricane's Avatar
02/27/2014 10:38 am
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer
toofgib's Avatar
I used mcedit to make some things with colored glass, i actually didnt notice this. nice blog. i think this could be usefull.
11/06/2013 8:37 pm
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
HeadLightFluid's Avatar
I've been wondering why my stained glass has been doing that lol. Nice work, but in your post you describe that you have to use an outdated MCedit version, I'm not aware that there are any newer versions of MCedit released passed 1.6.4 yet O_o Could you direct me to it if I'm wrong?
