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News : Red, Activity, Sub Manager, More Magic, No Comment

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PMC's Avatar PMC
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake

Hello PMC

Cypezz here with some text output.

We've launched new features tonight as well as changed Paril to red. He's now officially able to help develop PMC, well technically he's required to but he wants to too and that's great for all of us! It took months of work to get to this point and I'm excited to have some dev help with this "little" site ;) However, this does mean he'll spend less time responding to PM's. You can badger, err public message him on twitter though... cause member twitter feeds are back again now with post ability.

Sir, did you mention new PMC features?

Yep. Sec, where did I put those, oh!

Member Activity Feeds!

There is a new tab on our member profile pages, "Activity" and it will allow everyone to explore PMC through our eyes. Hopping around these feeds is pretty fun.

The feed pulls in and can be filtered to:
* Submission Posts & Updates including pulling in the update log if available.
* Diamonds
* Favorites
* Comments
* Server Votes
* Downloads

All activity is associated to the submissions, so it's likely their feed is going to influence ours. It's word of mouth promotion without the mouth wording!

Subscription & Subscriber Management!

We can now easily manage our subscriptions from our account page. Click here. It allows us to view our subscriptions, search them and unsub with a click. Y u unsub? Something I posted? No just testing the new subscription management. Click.

Also, we can view who's subscribed to us under, wait for it... the "Subscribers" tab. If for some reason we have a subscriber that we don't want, remove them & block with 2 clicks. Click, click. Sub--

Disable Comments!

We can now disable comments on new and existing submissions. Sometimes silence is nice. Not much else to say bout that... comments disabled.

Texture Packs get Schemagic Support!

As new resource packs are uploaded and current ones are updated, we'll be able to preview them on PMC in full 3D, just like PMC project schematics. Texture packs will load on Builder Spenskit's amazing texture pack preview map which won first place in our site contest.

You'll be able to fly around on PMC and view every block including animations. Cool. We'll write a script shortly to scan all existing texture packs and automagically give compatible packs schemagic support. At the moment, texture pack owners will have to reupload their pack to gain support.

More to come.


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11/29/2013 2:01 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Toast
MadameRogue's Avatar
Cypezz. Lol. Typo. Did Cyprezz type this? It would make alot more sense if he did. xD.
03/31/2014 9:06 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Avidd's Avatar
10/28/2013 10:53 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Engineer
Peter-'s Avatar
Is there a reason that only the first 100 subscriptions show up in sub box?
10/07/2013 1:29 am
Level 44 : Master Network
NathanLithia's Avatar
cypezz ^_^
10/04/2013 4:16 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
LaPanthere's Avatar
Yet I still find vulns that you fail to patch...
09/23/2013 6:43 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pony
TheDiam0ndCreeper's Avatar
noticed in desc that its cypezz not cyprezz
09/21/2013 4:37 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Toolman12's Avatar
I will also miss Cyprezz, also, #nohate
09/21/2013 4:01 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Taco
Duckgod's Avatar
1. I will miss Cyprezz as owner, but Paril is just as good.
2. Yes
3. #Antihatercomments
4. Yay
09/23/2013 3:50 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
Cyprezz isn't going anywhere..
09/23/2013 9:28 am
Level 34 : Artisan Taco
Duckgod's Avatar
