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SilentSilver123's Avatar SilentSilver123
Level 28 : Expert Artist
According to the the lasted update, 1.6.6 (which was posted about an hour before this post) notch removes Herobrine... If you're like me, you've probably never heard of this. At first I thought it was some sort of block or plant. But I was a bit curious as too what it could be so I decided to do some research. Turns out that Herobrine is actually a mod that some people believed to be the ghost of Notch's brother, entering your SMP game. Also, almost any topics (usually in forums like gamefaqs) related to Herobrine where deleted immediately.

But now the truth is out, Notch openly stated that he removed Herobrine, which means he actually had to have existed prior to update 1.6.6 and was either added by Notch himself or one of his co-workers.

Personally, the story sounds sort of scary, but I never actually saw it so I was wondering if anybody else saw it?

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07/02/2013 2:39 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
SjS_SjSGuns's Avatar
Herobrine was and never will be in Minecraft Notch and Jeb both said this it was a joke to get the community going. Then the mod came out.
02/23/2013 6:07 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
plasmadragon9's Avatar
Herobrine is removed in almost every update. So he some how gets back in the game or he is't real.

Notch postd oe time that Herobrine was never in. It's most likely that it' a joke or something like that.
12/27/2012 4:14 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
JaffaLoverz02's Avatar
I'm scared because, Herobrine was meant to be removed in 1.3, and the computer I play on, is still on 1.2.5. So if he Herobrine does excist, and I think he does, he'll be on my game.
09/10/2012 12:56 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
yousef2256390's Avatar
guys .. i tried one day to download minecraft 1.5.6 to see if he still exist in it , i gone to diamonds and i still can't find him so i deleted it and opened the minecraft 1.3.2 and btw : ik that this post is too old from the days that herobrine was in minecraft :)
09/10/2012 1:00 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
yousef2256390's Avatar
what i mean = that everything about herobrine is just a joke and btw : this video also explain everything about herobrine : www.planetminecraft.com/blog/notch-himself-says-that-herobrine-is-fake/ and btw : herobrine what i think is that herobrine was a test to notch to put something new to mobs or a thing that makes minecraft harder .. but it was soooooooo STRONG AND minecraft was scary and hardcore so he removed him that what i think :D
04/30/2012 7:15 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
brandon117's Avatar
i dont care wat this says he is still walking minecraft
04/16/2012 8:41 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
darkwaters93's Avatar
03/02/2012 4:29 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Network
Waystreet's Avatar
He is fake, he just write it becouse people don't belive him when he saying that he is fake.
12/24/2011 3:38 pm
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
TheNinjaFennec's Avatar
Herobrine is still in the game, because even until now, 1.0, it says Herobrine removed. I think they couldn't figure out how to get rid of him. O.o
12/24/2011 3:54 am
Level 24 : Expert Pony
Xiaonyx's Avatar
its 1.0.0 now... not 1.6
1.6 was made a very very very long time ago... Well it feels like that long. And Herobrine is more of a myth then anything else in the game. However it is ALSO a mod. Of course people created a herobrine mod for the laughs and scares it brings... However, Herobrine actually was real in previous versions of the game. There was like a 1/1000 chance every minecraft day you would see him. But he can show up. Proven by my friend and i & a youtube video...
