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Notch Stepped Down As Lead Developer a While Back, and What He's Doing Now

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Level 37 : Artisan Mountaineer
What's the subject here?
Well in case it wasn't apparent, I'm talking about Notch stepping down as Minecraft's lead developer, and what he's doing now. I'll do my best to include all the details I know, thanks for your patience guys.

Notch Leaving Lead Developer Position
Now before everyone rips into me and says "omgz like everyone knew that you n00b", think about it. Not everyone finds out about something right away. I've asked people, about half knew, half didn't, so this should help spread word more. As for you who already knew this, stay here, I've got info on what he's doing if you're not informed about that. ;) Ok. So I was reading articles about Minecraft and this.... came up in the suggestions of what I was reading. I know I know, this article was back in December 2011, but weren't a lot of us doing holiday stuff? Notch did say that he wants to help with Minecraft, he's just taking a "break" so to say. He also says he and Jeb agree on a lot, so things shouldn't change THAT much.

What In the World Is SO Good That He Left Minecraft?
Many think he left so he could work on 0x10c. It's a fun looking game, and he plans to launch it from the START with multiplayer. Looks like we may have some more fun games to play guys. :D Here's a video of the most recent footage Notch has released.

Pretty cool looking eh? He's got the cool looking gun, some nice looking bullets. Heck, you can interact with the computers! And I have to say I like that shaky light fixture. Adds some cool ambience.

I do kinda hope you're ticked Notch left Minecraft's lead development, but at the same time, be happy he did. Now he's making another cool looking game, and from what Mojang has made so far, I'd say 0x10c will be a hit. Keep playin Minecraft, this has no big effect on it really. :D Just anticipate the new game Notch will be makin. :)

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CreditWMDogma on the Escapist Magazine website for making the article informing me of this.

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10/27/2012 1:45 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Hero
Cool info... I always thought he left DEV of Minecraft b/c he's making multi-millions.
The Diamond Creeper
10/24/2012 4:45 pm
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
At first I read "I hope you're ticked off that Notch left.."
And I was like "Whaaaat?! >:U"
10/24/2012 4:47 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Mountaineer
Ticked that he DARE leave our awesome community. :P
The Diamond Creeper
10/24/2012 4:48 pm
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
That, and before I read the end of the sentence I was afraid that you only meant what I read. Uhh... I said that wrong. I hope you get it. XD
10/24/2012 4:54 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Mountaineer
I understood what you said lol
The Diamond Creeper
10/24/2012 4:56 pm
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
Yaay. I'm not failing.

...Too much at least...
10/24/2012 4:57 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Mountaineer
Stop making this awkward lol
