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:O Upside Down Mobs Easter Egg || 1.6.1

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_Soccer's Avatar _Soccer
Level 22 : Expert Caveman
Just learned something new in Minecraft 1.6.1 that I thought I'd like to share with everyone. I'd always seen upside down animals roaming the wilderness on the server I play ;) Most of you probably know this "Easter egg," but someone just told me about it and I thought it was awesome ;) So it's pretty simple. Basically all you have to do is rename any type of mob using the name tags. Name the mob either "Dinnerbone" or "Grumm." The names have to be case sensitive or it will not work. When you spawn in the mobs they will be upside down, lol! I tried it with hostile mobs as well, and it works! It's hilarious, and you'll definitely get a good laugh out of the creeper. By the way, you can still ride the horse when it's upside down ;)

Hope you guys liked this short post! Go try it out yourself if you haven't! Comment if you've found any more discoveries related to this easter egg!


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by _Soccer 07/06/2013 7:40:45 pmJul 6th, 2013

Edit: These names are Case sensitive

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03/02/2014 5:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Missile5's Avatar
Also, when you name a sheep jeb_ it is rainbow... :) (MUST be lowercase and have an underscore at the end)
08/12/2013 6:57 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
_Xach_'s Avatar
Does it have to be a spawned in mob? or can it just be any random mob
08/14/2013 10:09 pm
Level 22 : Expert Caveman
_Soccer's Avatar
I'm pretty sure it should work with any random mob
08/15/2013 12:52 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
_Xach_'s Avatar
That's cool
07/05/2013 3:04 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Dragonborn
flameanzer789's Avatar
You stole this of some one else who posted their one last night
07/05/2013 1:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Caveman
_Soccer's Avatar
? I didn't.. I never saw this post that you're talking about. I learned it from someone on a server I play on and decided I'd share it. No doubt there's probably gonna be more posts
07/05/2013 2:35 am
Level 46 : Master Creeper Hugger
Nuclear_pie's Avatar
Everybody knows about this, there's many youtube videos about this, especially from the Mindcrack team.
07/05/2013 1:30 pm
Level 22 : Expert Caveman
_Soccer's Avatar
Not everyone ;P But apparently most people do. I never realized until now
