Minecraft Blogs / Art

Oii57's minecraft ideas v2

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Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Hey guys oii57 here and this is my minecraft ides v2! i got 6 more ideas today: 1: a grinder. made by: 1 daimond pick, 5 smoothstone, and 3 sticks. 2: diamond dust. made by: put 1 diamond in the grinder to get 1 diamond dust. 3: Lightsaber. made by: 2 diamond dust and 1 obsidain. 4:grain of sand. made by: put one sand in the grinder. 5: bucket of sand. made by: putting 1 grain of sand above a bucket. 6: u can place the bucket of sand to get a pile of sand, witch if u walk in it u go as slow as in a spiderweb. bye guys!

Btw... Heres a link to my first mc ideas: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/oii57s-minecraft-ideas/

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