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Our quest for funding

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TECH_PH33R's Avatar TECH_PH33R
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Sometimes I almost hate my job, it can be as fun as it is difficult. I have been doing plugins for a server for approximately 3 months, and now it might all be washed away. I plan on putting my story here as well as some highlights of my past experiences, in hopes someone might continue to fund the server I have called home.

I am going to start at the begining. I have a best friend who loved playing minecraft, and I always wanted to run a server. As time went on and we slowly grew more bored with the fact that we couldnt play together he decided he was going to pay for a dedicated server. I was excited at this development as I always wanted to run one, to experience what it was like.

It started off slowly, in the begining I had to learn everything that was required to get the most basic plugins up. But the more I worked at it the better I became. Eventually after a full month of tinkering with all the possibilities I finally had the server the way I wanted it, and everyone that came onto my server enjoyed it. The server's name was TEAM FATE, it might not be a fancy name, or a name that attracts alot of attention, but we had plenty of traffic as time went on.

Now I am in the worst spot imagineable. My friend who was funding the server, decided CoD was better than Minecraft, and decided to stop paying ($65 a month), and my server, my work, and my passion for Minecraft might go with it. I have a chance though, to keep going, as slim as it might be. The server doesn't stop working until the 14th of this month (December). So I fired it back up and updated bukkit. I got a few old friends and we have started a remodeling of our place in Minecraft.

So my what may be my final quest begins, if anyone knows a group, or a company that might sponsor, or even host a server for us, let me know. If you want to check out our current server, send me a message on one of the following forms of communication and I will whitelist you.

Skype: tech_ph33r

email: tech1zero@live.com

server address: teamfate.beastnode.org

Any help would be appreciated.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by TECH_PH33R 12/04/2011 12:18:19 amDec 4th, 2011

It's the end of our first day searching for funds to continue running our server. The search iteself hasn't fully started yet. We are finishing up the Celtic themed rural city, and we have started on our new urban city. Both of them being projects for the potential final bang.

Wish us luck as we continue on! More updates for tomorrow.

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12/04/2011 7:28 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
TECH_PH33R's Avatar
I got all of my files, thanks for the concern. Like you said I wouldn't be able to get anywhere without them. If you or anyone else would like to have a look at the server let me know. It's currently whitelisted until we get the spawn completed, but I am letting some people in anyway.
12/04/2011 7:21 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
ThouGreatness's Avatar
Try going onto a hosting site and emailing them. Put alot of effort into the email so they know their not wasting their time. Come up with a unique idea and maybe just maybe they'll give you a discount or a trial or something. If one site deny's, go to another, and another and so on. But I would wait untill you get a response from one site before asking another. Good luck!
12/04/2011 7:22 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
ThouGreatness's Avatar
Oh by the way, see if you can't get a copy of all the server files. Plugins, players, etc. This way if you do get sponsored you have a starting place.
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