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PengoPenguinRocks's Avatar PengoPenguinRocks
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
Hello this is the entire story on my secret identity known as PengoPenguin.

Long ago after the end of the dinos there were beings half man and half penguin. Of cource there wasnt only penguins there was many other brids as smart as humans such as the eagles that wacthed the world. It was not neccesaraly only birds there was crockodiles and lions and bears. But none was more sinifigant then the penguin empire. They being able to adapt to almost every condition chould go nywhere and be powerful fighters. These "Penguinoids" as i call the were not limited to the stuby feet they actualy had long legs. The penguinoids' army was made up of mainly rangers rouges assasins and ninjas. They won every war with blinding speed and agility. But once the Apes began evolving they were even more powerful then the penguinoids and conqouerd the world. Each penguinoid was killed exept for 1 egg. This egg was frozen in time bye the cold winters of the south. 1000000000 years later a explorer by the name of Stevewas mining and discovered the egg. He origanaly tried to cook it wich thawed the egg out and incobated it at the same time. The egg hatched and Pengo apeaered. He named it Pengo cuz it was the first thing it said. Years past pengo has learned all that steve had to teach Pengo now is 18 years old and steve is on his deathbed.

Pengo siad "Master will u be alright"

"Im afraid that herobirne is ready to take me, just remeber pengo stay true to yourself and do wut is right, dont folow paths make your own and ill see you in the aether."

Steve passedaway and pengo did what he said and helped people until the day things went bad. He went to a village that was quite familier with steve. Pengo origanaly t hought that it was possitive but they t hought he was pethetic person. Pengo was furoious and killed half of them then they put him to death and ended up in the nether. Pengo was frusterated but even more upset that he completley went agiasnt what steve taught him. Herobrine apeared to him and told him that he chould have a second chance if he only helps in the nether. So he did and that is how he became familer with souls and the darkness of the nether. Pengo now gets a second chance up in the world known as mincraftia. Be for he came up Pengo heared the wither skeletons talking about a apocolyps. Pengo treated every1 with kindness and became known as a good person. But the apocolyps was near and he still has not payed his debt. A posessed villager Built a couple nether portals. Then out of those portals came wither skeletons who created a wither and tried to destroy the wrold but pengo eventualy ran to a bunch of tnt hr placed and killed the wither and him. Now he was in the aether and since herobrine did not aprove of the apocolyps he was made immortal and became a guardian of the world. Now pengo lives on makeing sure that the world is safe.


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02/07/2013 2:37 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
xJOHNx117x's Avatar
go pengo!!
02/07/2013 2:49 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
PengoPenguinRocks's Avatar
glad u like it sometimes i just sit quiet and think of ideas and thats how i made this
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