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Pixel Contest - Prizes! [Subscriber Special]

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Alpha_Legion's Avatar Alpha_Legion
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Announcement: Check out Closed Containment - A brand new adventure map by Steffanieee!

Diamond! Subscribe! Good luck! :D

Firstly I would like to thank my 183 subbies (at the time of writing)! ^_^ You guys are amazing, and thank you for all your support, and I couldno t have got this far without you.

Secondly, I am going away for a week, as of the 27th so dono t expect any updates or posts from me during that week, however I may be able to pop on to check comments and that, from time-to-time, however I cannot guarantee it.

Thirdly, welcome to my first ever contest on PlanetMinecraft! We haveno t seen an official one for a while, although I am fully aware there are 2 planned for November, but I thought, to fill your appetite for the time being, Io d do a little contest for all my lovely subscribers! ^_^ The rules are as follows...

Some people have not been reading the rules before submitting their entry! Make sure you read ALL the rules, AND the conditions/instructions for each contest!

RULES for all contests:

1. You MUST be a subscriber to be eligible to win. (HOWEVER, I do ask you DO NOT just subscribe for the sake of this contest, only subscribe if you like my stuff, this contest is supposed to be for my faithful subscribers)

2. Anything submitted as an entry must be NEW. That includes no old submissions or pre-made materials.

3. DO NOT submit work created or designed by someone else. Doing so you will be disqualified from all the contests, AND be reported to a moderator for stealing someone elseo s work, ito s not worth it.

Now, onto the different contests! :D

The contest categories are - Skins, Pixel Art and Texturing!

PLEASE NOTE: You are able to enter ALL of the contests. (but only one entry, per contest)

Contest 1 - Skins:

Here is the skin contest. The theme for this will be o Mobs and Monsterso . Make what you want of this name, as long as you can JUSTIFY how it links to the theme, it will be accepted.

Please Note: It is the judgeo s final word that determines whether it fits with the theme (all will be accepted if obvious or if can be justified in the description of the skin). Also, you must NOT use any of the textures from the mobs from the default texture pack, or any other - Make your own design if you wish to go with the o mobo theme.


- Alpha_Legion

- Dinowcookie

- Waystreet

- Nefashu


First Place - FULL GAME Company of Heroo s + Sub by Alpha_Legion + Diamond on skin from all Judges

Second Place - Sub by Alpha_Legion + Diamond on skin from all Judges

Third Place - Diamond on skin from all judges

Contest 2 - Pixel Art:

Here is the pixel art contest. The theme for this will be o Minecraft Worldo . The only guidelines for this contest is that you must make a pixel art of either the main world of Minecraft, the nether, or the end, and it must be in the style of Alpha_Legiono s o Minecraft Worldo pixel art series.

The following images you should use as a style template, HOWEVER, you must not use anything as samples from them, except the colour scheme if you wish.




RULE: Your submission must be 100x65 or 65x100 or 80x80 (and other sizes will be disqualified).


- Alpha_Legion

- Dinowcookie

- | Shino |

- +Sheena+


First Place - FULL GAME of Mojango s new Scrolls! + Sub by Alpha_Legion + Diamond on pixel art from all Judges

Second Place - Sub by Alpha_Legion + Diamond on pixel art from all Judges

Third Place - Diamond on pixel art from all judges

Contest 3 - Texturing

Here is the texture pack contest, and dono t worry, you dono t have to make a whole texture pack! What you have to for this contest, is to re-design 4 blocks in the LegionCrafted - SimplisticHD texture pack. You can choose any 4 blocks you wish, as long as they are on the terrain.png file.

INSTRUCTIONS: Obviously you CANo T upload the whole texture pack again, because it would be classed as stolen work, so use the terrain.png download HERE (it is the default, but sized to a 32x32 resolution) and you are able to upload this to any image sharing website you want, (eg. Imgur) and then put a link to it in the comment section.

(dono t forget that the textures MUST fit with the LegionCrafted - SimplisticHD texture pack theme!) - It is the judgeo s decision whether they believe you have stuck to the theme or not.


- Alpha_Legion

- Dinowcookie

- jzmt

- cjdjdominator

- Unnatural_Apple


First Place - Exclusive Closed BETA Key for Hawken OR Dota 2 + Sub by Alpha_Legion + At least one of your designed blocks will be used in LegionCrafted - SimplisticHD (with your permission, and you will be fully credited with your name on the page, link to account, and credited in READ_ME.txt)

Second Place - The other BETA key not chosen by the Winner + Sub by Alpha_Legion

Third Place - Sub by Alpha_Legion



Want to be a judge?

Sadly, we have enough judges now, sorry.

Closing date?

The closing date for ALL of the contests will be 18:00 GMT, on November the 10th. (no submissions after this date will be accepted)

How will the prizes be given out?

The prizes for the first place winners will be distributed via steam/online codes once the winner has been announced.


Submitting your entry/entries:

Please only fill out this form ONCE! If you wish to resubmit your entry/entries, either find your old comment and edit it, or delete it and then repost. If you post more than one o form commento you will be disqualified. (you are able to post more than one comment, just not the o form commentso , ok?)

Also, leave the section BLANK if you dono t want to enter something in that category, dono t just post the link to your skin/pixel art/texture.

Entry Form: Put the URL to your entry in the space provided. (please hyperlink for ease)

Skin Entry:

Pixel Art Entry:

Texture Entry:

Additional Comments:
CreditBig thanks to Dinowcookie, Waystreet, | Shino |, +Sheena+, jzmt and cjdjdominator for helping me out with this!

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by Alpha_Legion 11/03/2012 12:06:17 pmNov 3rd, 2012

Changed closing date to the 10th November. (still 18:00 GMT)

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11/20/2012 3:34 am
Level 31 : Artisan Cake
Triggerfullify's Avatar
When will the winners be announced?
11/20/2012 3:35 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
Sorry, have been REALLY busy, I'll get right on it, and announce them when i'm home from college today :D
11/21/2012 7:16 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Cake
Triggerfullify's Avatar
I be happy to see them,
Sir Mister Sir. :D
11/12/2012 12:41 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Bethamez's Avatar
Have you announced the winners yet? :3
11/12/2012 4:36 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
Not yet, we are still in the judgeing process, however you have won the texture contest by default XD Inbox me which beta key you would like :)
11/12/2012 4:37 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Bethamez's Avatar
11/03/2012 8:37 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Bethamez's Avatar
Looks like I'm the only one for the Textures thing :p
11/04/2012 7:41 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Cake
Triggerfullify's Avatar
I might submit later so watch out :D
11/04/2012 7:48 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Bethamez's Avatar
Oh, it's on like a metaphorical game of Donkey Kong!
11/04/2012 8:11 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Cake
Triggerfullify's Avatar
Lol you will probably win because my textures are failures. :D
I will play Donkey Kong with you though.
