Minecraft Blogs / Article

Portal Gun, Gravity Gun, and Furniture Oh My!

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spooky man's Avatar spooky man
Level 28 : Expert Peacock
This is just one of those articles about some mods. No, this isn't a review, this is a simple talk about mod overloads. Now, when I launch my Minecraft, I never see just a version title in the bottom left corner, no, I see the largest number in the world sitting there. Not only do I have an overload of mods, I have a map that is a testing ground for my mods. (As shown above) The block floating in the air up there is an example of me using the gravity gun, and there's a portal from the portal gun over on the right. Last, on the left, is a group of chairs. Yes, these are all mods. Now you can't see it, but outside of the house is a TARDIS and a Mutant Snow Golem. This really sounds like I'm just complaining now. Sorry, but I need to say this: I don't complain online, that's being a baby. (Sorry for all those people that do that.) Anyways, I'm always concerned about that number raising to high, so I always reduce it by 2 everyday. Sooner or later I'll be down in the tens. I know, I really need a life.

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