This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Printing Press! [For the Minedeas Contest!]

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PltniumDrgon's Avatar PltniumDrgon
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Writing books in Minecraft is fun, but that book you wrote each night while hiding from the monsters running wild outside will never become a bestseller if you only have one copy! The easy way to fix this problem is just to recopy every one of the 41 pages you just wrote, but who really has time for that? Besides, all your neighbors in Craftly Town seem to want their own copy! That's like 17 copies!
Then there's the good solution. Craft yourself a printing press! My idea is a new block called the printing press which allows you to make copies of written books with ease! All you have to do is put your written book in, and keep it stocked with ink! Then, watch and be amazed over the next few seconds as your book is magically duplicated! That's a few Minecraft days' worth of work you just saved yourself!
The main purpose of the Printing Press mod would be to allow the player to copy books they have written in without having to rewrite or copy by hand. This would allow for multiple copies of their book to be placed in different locations, or given to different players. For example, server rules can be put into a book and then distributed to every player on the server. Maps could also be copied with a printing press so it would no longer be necessary to make multiple trips around the world, or take an entire inventory full of maps on that journey. The printing press is also a save feature for your books. If you always have an extra copy of a book, you don't have to worry about losing a copy to lava or fire, or far from home.
The copied book would not be editable, so it would be impossible for other players to steal your book and put their name on it.
I imagine the crafting recipe would look something like this:
As to what the printing press itself looks like, I retextured a furnace. [Please disregard the transparency at the bottom, it's because this is a furnace, not an actual printing press.]
This is an image of a printing press not currently in use. It would have legs if it became an actual mod, but while it's still just a texture it will have to settle with holes in the bottom of the texture.
While the printing press is copying books, it will have a different texture that includes a book on the inside.
The mod would save a lot of time, and make writing books much more enjoyable for the average person.

Thanks for reading! Diamond if you like it! Favorite if it's your favorite! Subscribe if... you want to? Yeah!

Oh yeah, and here's the textures, in case you want them? PrintingBPresspng
Creditjl70l7u for inspiration to elongate description

2 Update Logs

Update #1 : by PltniumDrgon 12/23/2012 12:53:49 pmDec 23rd, 2012

Made description more detailed

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09/03/2013 1:38 pm
Level 42 : Master System
tinzin's Avatar
I've been wanting to see something like this for a long time.
Please give me a link to the mod when someone makes it!
09/04/2013 12:23 am
Level 48 : Master Botanist
PltniumDrgon's Avatar
Well, nobody ever did make the mod, but it's looking like 1.7 will allow you to copy books in a similar fashion to maps, so it's not necessary.
09/03/2013 1:37 pm
Level 42 : Master System
tinzin's Avatar
You could retexture the cauldron, maybe...? That would look a bit better for the side view at least
09/04/2013 12:22 am
Level 48 : Master Botanist
PltniumDrgon's Avatar
That probably would make it look better, wouldn't it?
09/04/2013 7:37 pm
Level 42 : Master System
tinzin's Avatar
Yeah, the only problem would be the hole in the top.
02/03/2013 1:31 am
Level 23 : Expert Network
MrP1nkyPuff's Avatar
Hello! This sounds like a great idea! Would you mind if I made it a mod?
02/03/2013 10:48 am
Level 48 : Master Botanist
PltniumDrgon's Avatar
I've already got someone working on that, but go for it anyway!
02/04/2013 7:17 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
MrP1nkyPuff's Avatar
Ok, I will. Just one question, can you send me a link to the active and un active printing press textures so I can use it for the mod? Thanks. And I'm going to make it off of modloader since there really isn't that much coding involved. Thanks!
02/04/2013 9:10 pm
Level 48 : Master Botanist
PltniumDrgon's Avatar
Okay, I put it in the description.
02/04/2013 8:49 pm
Level 48 : Master Botanist
PltniumDrgon's Avatar
Sure thing!
