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Project idea: Unova region (Pokemon Black & White)

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Level 17 : Journeyman Pokémon
As of late, I have seen projects springing up about building pokemon regions. I loved the idea, but the ones I have seen were just the Kanto region. So I thought "Why not make a different region?". Then I remembered that I had pokemon black. The Unova region is a personal favorite of mine, mainly because it had really unique architecture. So, I was thinking that I should get a group of people and make this idea real. The only problems are that except for maybe one or two people, I have no one to help me, and I don't have a server to build it on. So, if any of you guys can make a private server to build on, I would much appreciate it. I can also make a flat world with mcedit for the server. And if any of you also like the idea, leave a comment or PM me, and hopefully we can make this happen! :)
Note: The picture and youtube video are not mine. I simply have them there to showcase a bit of the region for any people who like the idea, but have not played the game.

NOTE: Spread the word! We need, more people! Do whatever you can, whether it be telling your friends, posting a comment on a similar topic to check this out, or even making your own blog about this project!

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by darknessdays6 12/15/2011 12:47:10 amDec 15th, 2011

It's the holiday season people, and ya know what that means? That's right, cash! And that also means that I will most likely get the beastnode server up soon! Get ready to start the project, and start watching YouTube videos of the game, actually playing it, whatever will help you study the region! :D Also, I have a completely flat map, and have already edited in a small portion of the ocean. So yeah, we're pretty much set to go!!! :D

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08/06/2012 6:45 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Ill help ya bro, my skype is ian.tillis you should call me up sometime mang.
06/14/2012 7:45 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
to make it really true to the whole pokemon theme you should build it with pixelmon so that we could play through it like a pokemon game
05/23/2013 10:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
that would be awesome because its kinda stupid when you put armor and diamonds instead of a pokeball or pokedex!
05/28/2012 9:45 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
hey i already have a server if you need it you can use it to build on all you need is himachi i can send you the link for the program if you want you should put accual people as the gym leaders and you should use the poke mobs mod so they can actually battle!
04/18/2012 7:41 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
i am going to make this region. i was looking for a project and am looking for expeirienced builders who know the map well to help me out. i am trying to make a server, but my computer wont let me. So i need a server and people who know how use redstone. contact me if you want to help
03/14/2012 8:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey can help out? I love the Unova region. Give me an IP address I will help out as much as possible.
03/05/2012 8:46 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
Hey there I've got a beastnode server and Im a pokemon lover I'd enjoy for you to make it on my server! I've always loved these games and the servers up 24/7 so its always looking for people to play.. if you still want to use this idea that is.
03/08/2012 6:33 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokémon
Hmm... I might still make it, but I'm not sure if I still have the motivation, haha. What's the IP? Even if I don't end up building the region, maybe I can drop by your server some time. :)
01/24/2012 1:05 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
I'd be happy to assist you. Just send me a private message. :D
01/15/2012 4:34 pm
Level 21 : Expert Mage
I'll help PM me if I can
