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PvP Tips and Tricks

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Speedguy14's Avatar Speedguy14
Level 42 : Master Mage

PvP is a growing thing through out Minecraft. Players tend to play on PvP, grief and raiding servers. On these types of servers, there are always will be be players who are amoured with the best, enchanted diamond gear; they always attack you, take your precious stuff, and your back to phase 1. Well, in this blog I will tell you some tips and tricks to put up a fight to these guys!

What is PvP?

Before we start off this blog, we should first go through the true understanding of what PvP is; PvP stands for Player to Player combat. A player's goal in PvP is to attack his or her's opponent in battle to attempt to successfully kill the player and take there loot.(Loot; Items players are rewarded with after a deed is done, such as killing a spider and getting string.) Many people PvP for loot and keep your stuff, but others offer a friendly PvP battle, with item give backs. PvP is very popular among the community, PvP is enabled in Hunger Games servers, Faction servers, regular servers, and a whole bunch of others!

Tips For PvP

PvP can be difficult if you don't know what your doing, or you have a low understanding of it. So here is some tips;

Tip 1: Always keep your eye on your opponent(s); If you are not looking at where your opponent is, he or she can get a huge advantage on you. They can hide some where and ambush you, or call some friends while your not paying attention.

Tip 2: Travel with little was possible; If you are going into an area where PvP is common, travel with little as possible! When I travel through PvP areas, I carry food, usually steak, or bread, I carry a spare sword, usually iron with a level 10-15 enchant, and I carry some iron amour with level 10-15 enchants. Carrying little as possible will benefit you in the long run, you won't loose valuable items if someone manages to kill you.

Tip 3: Use your environment to your advantage; If you are fleeing from a stronger opponent, always run toward areas that you know well. Avoid hazards such as caves, hills, and jungles. Caves, you can fall into and be cornered, hills slow you down and leave you vulnerable for bow shots, and jungles' terrains can be difficult when fleeing from someone. Hiding in a well known environment can also be good, climb up a large oak tree and you can wait there until your opponent is gone, or gets tired of you.

Tip 4: Intimidate your opponent; Even if you have little equipment, never run from your opponent and try to intimidate them as best as possible. Now, I'm not saying go and curse your opponent out in chat, but you can always fire a few shots with your bow or hit them with your sword, if they see your not afraid they'll back away.

Tip 5: Practice, Practice, Practice; Find a friend and go to a small server, and practice PvP'ing. And don't be afraid to ask your friend to spice up the way he or she PvP's; Getting cozy with a PvP form can be dangerous. You may think you know your opponents moves lets jump to a scenario: Bob is the top boss on a PvP server. You notice his fighting style; Sword, bow, Sword, bow. You go to challenge him thinking you know his exact moves, he suddenly draws does this to you: Bow, sword, bow, bow. You die. Don't ever under estimate your opponent. A new player with basic gear can kill the top pro's.

Bonus Tip: Left click to attack, make sure your fingers get used to left clicking for swords and right clicking for bow draws. One mis-click can end you!

Tricks for PvP:

With the many tips for PvP, there are useful and sneaky tricks that can be done in PvP.

Trick 1: Minecraft's settings. By changing a few settings around you can improve your FPS; this way you can move around faster and not lag as much. A few setting that will help; particles: minimal. Render distance: Short. Graphics: Fast. You can also get Optifine, but some servers might not allow mods.

Trick 2: Potions! By spending a few extra in game dollars, you can brew up some invisibility potions, strength potions, and speed potions. These potions are good for defense; invisibility; good for sneak attacks,and hiding in risky situations (Be aware that there is particles from this potion). Speed; useful for running from opponents, catching up to them. Strength; Can increase your attack's damage by at least an extra two hearts. This plus critical hits, equals a lot of damage.

Trick 3: Planning out your attacks, and thinking them through. By planning an organized attack with a few friends, you can serious damage. You can attack an opponent who won't be expecting an organized attack, you can scare someone off from your base, and do more. Here's an example of an organized attack; Tim goes to the left wall as bait. Sponge goes to the right, and hides in the tree tops as a bow-man. Leo and Frank rush the enemy once he starts attacking Tim. Larry and Joe rush in behind Leo and Frank as back up Swords-Men.

Trick 4: Know your limits; Knowing your limits is something that you must know before you engage in PvP is something that can save your in game butt. Instead of rushing the strongest PvP'er on the server with Iron amour, attempt to get better, top notch (Heh get it?) amour and gear. Then you may have a chance. A better chance.


That's all folks! A diamond and a subscribe would be nice, but only diamond if you like this blog, and a subscribe means that you enjoy my work and what to see more of it.


pop reel C: Thanks guys :D


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07/20/2013 12:41 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
simplebrick's Avatar
I have this thing called a bad ping.
and this causes me to lose against a player with a wooden sword while I have a diamond set.
07/20/2013 2:43 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Taylorwood's Avatar
PvP stands for Player to Player combat

Er, pretty sure it's "Player Versus Player" otherwise that'd be PtP...
07/20/2013 2:41 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Taylorwood's Avatar
No offence but, this is all pretty common sense. You'd learn most of this simply by playing for a day or so...
07/19/2013 9:54 pm
Level 1 : New Toast
LeSwankLion's Avatar
Left click.
07/19/2013 9:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Mage
Speedguy14's Avatar
Ha, good point.

I'll add that.
07/19/2013 8:21 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Warrior
BrookieYT's Avatar
I practiced and practiced for years and finally I am awesome pvper and my bow shots are 92% accurate now.
I prefer you guys Play on kitPVP servers cause that Improves your PvPing skills. Anyways nice blog it deserves diamond
07/19/2013 4:21 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Geek
iansonwheels's Avatar
Actually.. This is all quite instinctive XD
07/19/2013 4:26 pm
Level 42 : Master Mage
Speedguy14's Avatar
Thanks for the comment. :)
07/19/2013 4:32 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Geek
iansonwheels's Avatar
You got Pop Reel already?
07/19/2013 4:35 pm
Level 42 : Master Mage
Speedguy14's Avatar
Apparently :D
