Minecraft Blogs / Other

Realistic Minecraft Rig - Cinema 4D [Free Download]

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Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
I created a rig that allows you to animated as if you are playing the game. Most of the movements are self animating and all you have to do is keyframe some simple controls. You can do things like walk, run, punch, jump, sneak, wear armor, place/break blocks, and more.

Here's a very detailed tutorials to show how to set up and operate the rig: https://youtu.be/deqHNs70Qt4

Download for rig: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7rxhw0iviu62k5b/Realistic+Minecraft+Rig+v1_0.zip

Here's a couple of quick animations I created using this rig.

Video 1 - general animating: youtu.be/qjFmc8DT5Zc
Video 2 - breaking blocks: youtu.be/0XF92yoXuKM
Video 3 - hit & armor: youtu.be/LxzZ1CkiNyY

Hopefully some animators out there will find this rig very useful.

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