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The problem With Miners Need Cool Shoes.

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ismokecrayonsx's Avatar ismokecrayonsx
Level 34 : Artisan Dragonborn
Miners need cool shoes. We've all seen it. Maybe some of you have used it. But what im trying to get across is that MNCS is not making your own skin, (unless of course you didn't use the armoury or steal any parts in which case fair play :P). When your using the MNCS armoury your not using your own creativity, your just stealing some parts that someone else has uploaded and claiming them as your own. Is that really making a skin? I think not. Feel free to share your own opinions.

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by ismokecrayonsx 11/28/2011 11:31:58 amNov 28th, 2011

Fixed typos.

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02/03/2020 7:16 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Loremaster
living_doodle's Avatar
I agree and all, but I don't think it's the website's problem. It's the people who are using it. (Which isn't everyone, by the way)

I mean, yeah, it probably would have been best if they didn't have the option to take skins and use them as parts, but a lot of skinning sites do the same thing so I don't think you should be putting all the blame on MNCS.

Really, people either just don't know how to credit properly or they just don't care and will use just about anything to make their skin look good.
Uchiiha itachi
05/30/2016 10:11 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Uchiiha itachi's Avatar
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04/09/2016 12:45 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
AllHailBunnies's Avatar
Using other people's parts of skins is a choice; it's not required to do. If you have a problem with this fact, then you should say it's the user's problem, not the sites. It's the user that chooses to use parts of a skin...
03/17/2016 9:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Headofire's Avatar
Well you cant delete.
01/16/2016 12:50 pm
Level 25 : Expert Explorer
DeadAccount175's Avatar
I use it because it's easy, and I always start from scratch. :I
Nerdy cookies
11/04/2015 3:47 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pig
Nerdy cookies's Avatar
I agree. I know  this is months ago, but i need another place to make skins.
07/24/2015 2:50 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Maura's Avatar
mncs is wear some ppl call there 2nd home me and my friends dont steal and if we use a part from some1 we always credit ik most ppl dont but dont say we ALL r like that!
07/24/2015 2:31 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Narwhal
+Silver+'s Avatar
MNCS is like my home away from home. I know at least my friends and I don't steal and use other skins only if we need to with credit. If you insult anyone there I am willing to defend them with life.  Whenever we see stealers we report them and try to get them to stop. Don't assume everyone there steals, my friends and I don't at least. All 381 of us.
05/22/2015 6:25 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Maura's Avatar
Im a skin maker on mncs and I dont steal! Most of wurt u said is not true!
05/21/2015 6:45 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Narwhal
+Silver+'s Avatar
Not everyone there uses other people's skins! I make all my skins on that site 100% from scratch! Most if my friends don't even use other people's skins without crediting and they usually don't use them in the first place! Sure, mncs has its problems, but the sites getting better! My friends and I have been working trying to make it a better site, it's not a lost hope!

