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Which mob are you? | Hostile Mob Edition | 200+ Diamonds.

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Masq's Avatar Masq
Retired Moderator
Level 39 : Artisan Dolphin
UPDATE AS OF 04/08/14:
Excuse the recent hiatus from PMC. I came back to this blog having reached a rather tasty 155 diamonds, and near 1500 views. So I decided it was time for an update! I gave the whole post a much needed lick of paint, and to avoid the cluttering of every single mob, I will split it into three seperate posts (Normal Hostile Mobs, Nether Mobs, Friendly Mobs). I also changed around much of the description as young 14 year old me didn't really have the best way with words...

Read below and find out which mobs match you and your friends: Hostile Mob Edition

(discluding Nether Mobs)


The person who can manage to eat 3 portions of lunch, and remain thin as a bone. *Curse you Metabolism*


A creeper would be the attention-seeker. They'd go around looking for something to entertain themselves (and often their friends, since creepers can travel in groups). When they find a prey, they leap on them without a second thought.; their sad faces making people want to approach them, and then they strike!


Much like the zombie, there is always a person in your friendship group who is a bit slow at picking things up and not as 'with it' as the others. They leave all homework till the literal last minute.


The Enderman, or socially awkward one, would prefer to be hidden in the library at break in the solitude of a good book than be out socialising with others. They just run away from the crowd and constantly disappear. (much like the Enderman's solitude, and teleporting)


The forgetful, always late, and always busy friend. They are freakishly lazy in the day, but invite them round for a sleepover - and they are up till 5 am in the morning


The Iron Golem would be the one in the group that isn't the most good looking, or sporty, and may be a bit weird and
large but they have the kindest soul ever and everyone likes them :D


The Wolf is the exact opposite of the Iron Golem, they are the most cute and good looking out of your group and everyone always loves them and wants to go out (date) with them!


The silver fish is the person in your group that you don't really like as much as the others (lets be honest we all have that one person XD) and you can never trust them with your secrets because they will run and spread it, 'torturing' you until you give in - just like a Silver Fish.


The slime is the, you guessed it, 'slimy' one who gets away with everything they do and you get the blame for doing the exact same thing (for example not doing your homework!) They can be the most annoying people in the group at times and just like a slime, the person gets multiple lives and chances where as you only get 1!

Such unfair. Many annoy.


The Witch would be the insecure one who has to be mean to others to make themselves feel better, but deep down inside of them, there is still a human there.

I would really appreciate it, if you enjoyed the blog, whether you could:





CreditRelating, Minecraft, Mons, Popular, Diamonds, Friends, Awesome

7 Update Logs

04/08/14 : by Masq 08/04/2014 7:02:03 amAug 4th, 2014

UPDATE AS OF 04/08/14:
Excuse the recent hiatus from PMC. I came back to this blog having reached a rather tasty 155 diamonds, and near 1500 views. So I decided it was time for an update! I gave the whole post a lick of paint, and to avoid the cluttering of every single mob, I will split it into three seperate posts (Normal Hostile Mobs, Nether Mobs, Friendly Mobs). I also changed around much of the description as young 14 year old me didn't really have the best way with words...

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02/15/2016 10:14 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
GraciousMaximus's Avatar
i would like to go read a book now
actually i rather enjoy drawing by myself (or writing, when i feel like it)
id rather be alone when im at home, so i can get away from the annoying sister that always appears.

i was actually going to make a comic about that...
"An annoying sister appears!"
10/10/2015 5:25 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
Why no nether mobs? :3
09/17/2015 6:50 pm
Level 29 : Expert Button Pusher
Voice_in_my_head's Avatar
skeleton, iron golom(minus the ugly and weird part xD)
09/15/2015 8:28 am
Level 43 : Master Skinner
Phetagorah's Avatar
Definitely the skeleton :/ 

Daamn you metabolism
Starlight Glimmer
09/08/2015 12:34 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pony
Starlight Glimmer's Avatar
I'm an Endermun
09/07/2015 11:14 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
San The Panja
08/11/2015 11:12 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Narwhal
San The Panja's Avatar
enderman and iron golem
07/20/2015 4:03 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
Diggerguy68's Avatar
Enderman and Spider
05/02/2015 3:22 am
Level 25 : Expert Warrior
adrian505's Avatar
04/07/2015 4:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Chloe_the_Miner's Avatar
wolf spider and skeleton

also a enderman when im around adults that are strangers to me

like my family that lives far away or that i dont see very often
