Minecraft Blogs / Other

[Request] Left 4 Dead Texture Pack

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Nerd

Hello, I am the creator of the Left 4 Dead adventure map that you can find here, I am requesting a texture pack that goes with my map. all credit would go to the maker but the texture pack would go into the zip file of my map, i will also put a link to the makers page


For the person who decides to make it, i want it true to Left 4 Dead game with the safe house door and make things that aren't used into things that are in the game like vending machines and blood splatters, i got permission from a guys who did a texture pack for his zombie map that you can use to edit to 1.4.5 and to change things in such as the texture for bedrock. this will really enhance the gameplay of my map and make it more of a left 4 dead game.

How to contact me

If you want to help please either comment bellow or send me a message on planet minecraft. I would very much appreciate this and thanks you for the amazing person who decides to do this!
Creditharbear who is alowing me to edit his texture pack

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11/24/2012 10:36 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Nerd
anyone up for the challenge?
