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Shall i make The Oasis of the Seas?

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CraftyHazzer's Avatar CraftyHazzer
Level 23 : Expert Crafter
So right now this second i am making the Carnival Valor But i wont to ask you guys should i make the Oasis of the Seas
Pros: not many people have made it aka chris (wolfmined) is making it right now
there's no good oasis of the seas
be alot of fun

Cons: It's a huge ship so could take awhile
It's got alot of like huge part's to make in minecraft

I will make it with anyone if they have a sever and then it would be much quicker (if you do say in Comments)
and also say yes if i should no if i shouldn't make the oasis of the seas but i wont to because i made it once on my old sever and it's just great fun so yeah go ahead vote :)
- Harry

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12/02/2012 6:02 am
Level 23 : Expert Crafter
CraftyHazzer's Avatar
Right even tho there's only 14 votes 8 for do it 6 for don't i'm gonna do it any way because it's just gonna be a major project for planet minecraft so :)
12/02/2012 5:18 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
ChrisLak1's Avatar
do it bro go on!
12/02/2012 5:22 am
Level 23 : Expert Crafter
CraftyHazzer's Avatar
Alright i will but first making the Carnival valor so like after Christmas i will begin Oasis :)
