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Six Reasons Why: Underground Houses Are Awesome

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Dafaria's Avatar Dafaria
Level 34 : Artisan Blockhead
Check this cool person out:www.planetminecraft.com/member/imalittlecreeper/

Hello, and welcome the first "_ Reasons Why" By Dafaria! I hope you enjoy, and please leave suggestions to add to this blog!

Reason One -Easy to Create:

Underground houses are really easy to make and use very limited resources. All you really need is your fist to make a basic underground house, but if you want it to be more complex, you should have wood or another decorative block as well as the basic tools. As they are easy to create, you can easily make a temporary house and move on after the night, and keep doing this until you find the "right spot". You can basically have an instant house (even if it might look bad). All you have to do is dig down, put a block above you, and voilà , it classifies as a house!

Reason Two - Safe:
Underground houses are very safe as long as they have a light source inside them. They usually have some form of entrance notaccessibleby mobs, sometimes using redstone/hidden doors. A house above ground can sometimes be entered by mobs or blown up by creepers, but houses below ground are much safer, and if you do come to the surface and face a creeper, most of the time your actual house doesn't get blown up at all.

Reason Three - Hidden:
This reason is especially for multiplayer, but still takes some effect on singleplayer. Underground houses are much more hidden then regular houses, so on servers you can hide all your items without any worry of others stealing them. Even though this doesn't help much in singleplayer, it still lets you hide redstone, because there's much morespace to create redstone devices underground than above ground. You can have a really small house above ground, and when people go to raid it, they open the chest labelled diamonds, but it's actually a trap and they fall to their death and instead of them stealing your stuff, you steal theirs!

ReasonFour - Spacious
Building underground gives you basicallyunlimitedspace. Above ground, you can run into many obstacles like a cliff edge which can be hard to overcome, but underground is "flat". If you dig out into the edge of a mountain, you can just add another ladder to your house! And if you run into a cave, you could just make it an extra room or use it in some other way. If you are far enough underground, it'll be impossible to run out of space! Be careful of lava though...

Reason Five - Just... Looks Cool
Overall, underground houses can have a greater look than just above ground houses. They can be like the TARDIS, and be smaller on the outside, bigger on the inside (underground). They can make it seem like it's only a small house, but if you figure out the secret, it can take you to the REAL house! They can be made out of any material and still look good. It also looks good from the outside no matter what, because there is no outside when you build underground, so you can keep focused on how it looks from the inside!

Reason Six - Constant Mining
Building underground means digging underground. This means while building your house, you can also be mining for lots of different ores! Who'd ever thought you could find diamonds by building? The useful thing about this is that when you build above ground, you never get anything back while building, but underground, you're constantly gaining more and more materials for your house and your pot o' gold!

Bonus Reason - Mobs
Mobs can easily spawn if you make a big dark hole in the ground! It's harder to get the to spawn and to control them on the surface, but if you make it underground, it's easy! You can also get slimes to spawn underground, meaning more fun redstone contraptions and if you want to keep them as pets you can do that too. This means infinite loot!

Sad Bad Reason - Grass and Animals
Although there are so many good reasons, there are a few small bad ones, like this one. It is harder to get sheep/cows/etc down into your house and it is harder to get grass into your house. Minor setback, but underground houses are the best!

Thank you for reading my first "_ Reasons Why" and if you liked this, please diamond, favourite and subscribe for more!If you thought of any more important reasons, please post them in the comments! If you have any ideas for other blogs/projects/etc please do post them in the comments!

Thanks for getting this on the pop-reel!
Edit: Now on the homepage pop-reel!

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by Dafaria 10/02/2013 11:43:12 pmOct 2nd, 2013

Added onto reason one, courtesy of Chimneyswift!

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04/15/2014 2:06 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Knewred's Avatar
Reason 7: No annoying Sunfury members annoying you about lack of depth XD

Ahhhh.... gotta love Sunfury
04/16/2014 6:59 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blockhead
Dafaria's Avatar
07/17/2013 4:17 am
Level 20 : Expert Crab
monday_j's Avatar
You know, Dafaria, when you think about it, you are awesome.
07/20/2013 5:09 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ranger
ChuckNorrised's Avatar
He doesn't have to think about it, he just is.
07/17/2013 7:34 am
Level 34 : Artisan Blockhead
Dafaria's Avatar
thanks! :P
05/18/2013 7:34 pm
Level 20 : Expert Crab
monday_j's Avatar
Whats the tex pack?
05/18/2013 7:35 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blockhead
Dafaria's Avatar
A'therys Ascended
05/18/2013 9:24 pm
Level 20 : Expert Crab
monday_j's Avatar
Wats the link?
05/18/2013 9:26 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blockhead
Dafaria's Avatar
05/18/2013 8:58 am
Level 30 : Artisan Grump
noobuscus's Avatar
