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Skin stealer programs? How about no...

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The Sentinels Corp's Avatar The Sentinels Corp
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Hi guys, Sentinels here with a blog. It's just something about "Skin Stealer Programs" and such. And yes, this is a rant. (Kind of a continuation to my past blog)

Why is this the blog subject?
-Well, I chose this as the subject, because recently I've been seeing some "Skin Stealer" programs here on PMC, and my reaction was like "Why? Why would we need this?". I think it's just wrong that people make these kinds of programs.
Why this is wrong:
- It's not like I'm saying that these things should be banned from PMC or something, no. I'm just saying that it's bad to use these programs. Just look at the name at the program... "Skin STEALER", it basically just says the word steal in it... Using this program is basically stealing someone's skin. But it's not just that. If you steal a person's skin, it's gonna cause more trouble/chaos here in PMC, for example:

Some guy makes a private skin for him that he's not gonna post in PMC which is well made, he uses that skin in his account..... Then days later, some jerk skin stealer uses that program and steals that guy's personal skin and posts it here on PMC or Skindex. Soon enough people will see that guy's skin and start using it... The ORIGINAL maker of the skin then ends up not using his personal skin and starts hating on some people.....

You know, we don't want that to happen. Why would we anyway, we don't anymore skin stealing right? So, I think it's better to just avoid using a program such as that......

Side Note: If you hate this blog.... Please don't comment at all about how you hate this.... We don't want to start a flame war do we?


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11/18/2018 3:41 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Nobody_Care_Who's Avatar
i stole noch's skin on skinseed LOL
10/15/2016 6:43 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
Somgui's Avatar
This deserves more attention.
Spread the message!
11/13/2014 12:33 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Hunter
spicyalligator's Avatar
Preach on brotha. The only reason I use them is to get old skins I made for friends/my brother.
09/17/2014 10:36 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
theninja23's Avatar
i mainly use skin stealers to get skins i forgot to download or save.
King Peanut Butter
06/02/2014 9:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Skinner
King Peanut Butter's Avatar
yes i agree i used to have a personal skin! than tons of people stole it.......
11/18/2018 3:42 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Nobody_Care_Who's Avatar

10/05/2013 10:47 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Goblin
TudorOstrich's Avatar
Actually its kinda usefull.
09/28/2013 5:55 pm
Level 22 : Expert Nerd
pancakegirl123's Avatar
I think you have this wrong. There are apps for this which you can get skins from people
example: You have a friend with a nice skin. You can open up the program and simply get that skin in minecraft.
Example 2: You can look at other people skin (Whom you may or may not know) and if you like the skin, well, then it's yours in minecraft
09/06/2013 9:17 am
Level 26 : Expert Fish
sualeos's Avatar
this is exactly what i was thinking.

also, there were like 4 of them on the reel at once one time, which i also bad..
The Sentinels Corp
09/06/2013 9:27 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
The Sentinels Corp's Avatar
I know, I hope like people stop encouraging people do things like this :P
