This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Slopes - an original graphics idea.

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Rhos's Avatar Rhos
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
Make sure to diamond this if you like it! It only takes a second to scroll up and click the button!
Current complaints (read):
"Kaevator made this before!" - No he didn't, his slopes were craftable. these spawn with the terrain.
"It would take ages to code!" - Notch made minecraft, didn't he? :L
"It's not realistic!" - I'm not even gonna answer this.

Hi guys.

I'm Rhoske and I'm going to share my (what would be) very cpu-intensive, singleplayer-only mod idea. I just call it Slopes. I've been thinking about this for a long time but never really did anything about it, and I thought that this contest would be the perfect opportunity. I've tried to cover all the difficulties that this mod would face in the "issues" section below.
So, without further ado, here's my mod idea!
As an example, I'm going to start off with a very simple structure made of a few stone blocks (although it could be anything natural).


My idea is that each natural block will join with a configurable sphere of the same blocks around it - let's say three. That means that all the blocks would be connected like this:


...and would end up looking something like this.


As you can see, it would give Minecraft a much more realistic look, and depending on how realistic you would want it to be, you could just configure it. The exact blocks that make use of the mod would also be configurable (i.e., you wouldn't want your mansion's staircase windows messed up, but it might be nice to turn your roof stairs into slopes).

The issues:

1) To make the mod more complete, you would have to be able to run about on the surface of the blocks. There is a danger of the player looking as if they were sinking into the ground.
2) Following on from this, the effect just described would have the same effect as Nodus's Step - that is, each 1-block-high obstacle can be simply walked over without jumping. This is why I would suggest keeping it in singleplayer and stopping the player from climbing steeper slopes (like what happens in other 3d games, such as Ocarina of Time - which, incidentally, I took my inspiration from).
3) Holes. It is entirely possible that the mod would prevent you from seeing gaping lava pits in the ground, and even with my minute knowledge of modding, I know that this would be a very difficult task to overcome.
4) This.


The green block represents a grass block. This isn't so much an issue but it stops everything looking as smooth. Of course, we could completely negate this effect and make it look as if the grass block was sunken into the ground.
5) Textures. I'm worried about how these will appear, and although they may work absolutely fine, I wouldn't want it looking stretched and unnatural. Shut up! I'm picky!
6) Placing, destroying and selecting blocks. Again, just a small thing, but I think that this is how I would do it:
- The selection square that appears while moving your cursor over a block would appear stretched out. Weird, but you'd get used to it.
- When placing and destroying blocks, many more blocks around it will be affected.

That's about it. I believe that it would be useful for creative mode as well, with careful changes to the .config file. If you like it, please comment - your feedback is invaluable. And however ridiculous the idea seems to you, please take the time to scroll up and give my idea a diamond. Thanks!

edit: sick!
CreditN64 games with sub-average shapes :D

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04/05/2013 1:41 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Pixel Painter
steewee's Avatar
brilliant! sheer brilliance!! *Diamond!*
Assassin Moder
01/18/2013 11:34 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Assassin Moder's Avatar
This kill Minecraft beauty..
01/13/2013 2:08 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
IR_GRIM_KC's Avatar
I still think the fact that keavator did in fact create craftable slopes with his superslopes mod, means that he in fact originally came up with this idea, but wasn't capable of using all of his free time to further implement the mod into making them generate naturally with the terrain. this idea should be looked into, but your contest entry disqualified
01/13/2013 5:00 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
Rhos's Avatar
Believe me, I've thoroughly looked into his mod, and if I thought this wasn't original i wouldn't have put it up. Please, PLEASE stop saying that it's unoriginal because it's just not, and I'm pretty fed up with people putting forward the same criticism when I've explained it both in the post and in response to the numerous comments.
01/19/2013 4:14 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
IR_GRIM_KC's Avatar
no matter how you look at it, kaevator beat you to it
01/19/2013 5:30 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
Rhos's Avatar
Alright, let me tell you exactly the same thing I've been telling everyone else, which you obviously can't be bothered to go and read. Kaevator made a slopes mod, yes. his slopes were CRAFTABLE. That means that unlike my mod, they don't spawn with the terrain, are not configurable and are placeable.

Why am I even arguing with you? You should have read the post instead of just deciding that you'd put forward some criticisms that a) I've heard before and b) have explained several times. Next time, TRY to look into things a little bit beforer you spew random crap, okay? Okay. Thanks.
01/12/2013 12:46 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
OctopusBeard's Avatar
This seems amazing. :3
01/13/2013 5:01 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
Rhos's Avatar
Thank you. It's always nice to have some support. (:
01/15/2013 10:35 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
OctopusBeard's Avatar
No problem! I've seen ways to retexture rails for slopes, but they were just aesthetic. I want something that you can actually walk on. :D
01/11/2013 4:14 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
seger8's Avatar
Horrible seems like you don't get the trademark of Minecraft. It's pixelated and blocky
