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Story Of Minecraft Chapter 4. Dragon

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Maiconi's Avatar Maiconi
Level 50 : Grandmaster Soldier
I started to panic, thinking of how he could have gotten that. o Did I somehow bring that with me?o But I knew how he had gotten that.

o hey dud where did you get thato I heard down the corridor o I found it in one of these beings homes looks cool dono t ito

o HEY, GET OFF ME!o It was the one thing I wish I didno t have to hear. o KRYSTALLINE, IT WILL BE OKAY!o Yelled Steve, trying to comfort Krystalline.

They led here past my cell, she caught a glimpse of me. o MAICONI, HELP ME!o I ran up to the cell wall and started banging on it. Telling the creatures to leave her alone.

o Maiconi it is no use!o Ali said, pulling me away from the bars. o Io m sure she will be okay.o

After a while, those two creatures came to our cell and said o dono t cause any troubleo For some strange reason, I felt like I understood. I went to them, bringing Ali with me and they put some sort of illuminating purple object on my hands and I couldno t move them.

They led me into a room where Steve (who got escorted here probably when I was raging) and Krystalline were being watched by a creature. Krystalline was looking down, fearing the worst was going to happen.

When they set me and Ali down on the ground, all we could do was lie there, hoping that nothing happened to our families and friends. I looked up to see that the creatures were opening a door. A giant door. They started singing some chant in that weird static language of theirs and placing some stuff on the ground. A Iron Pickaxe (wait, thato s mine!) and some other assorted objects that we brought with us.

There was a big gust of air, or what felt like air, and a giant dragon-like creature landed on the floor. It looked a lot like the other tall creatures around, with the darkish purple skin and the glowing purple eyes.

o what are these thingso the dragon spoke to one of the creatures. o we found these things on the other side of the ancient portal we think that they are the ones that activated ito The creature responded.

The dragon walked up to us. Krystalline started crying a little. It looked directly at me and said o Who are you?o

At first, I didno t know what to say. I was confused by the fact it even knew English. o I am Maiconi.o I said in a small voice, it was almost pathetic.

o Why have you come here?o It asked me. In a more curious way

o Why did you bring us here Huh?o Steve yelled at it. It instantly lost interest in me and said something in its language to the guards and they pulled Steve away.

o Why did you open the portal?o I told Ali.

o I wanted the round sphere things, I tho-o The creature roared some strange static sound and said o YOU WERE TRYING TO STEAL OUR ENDER PEARLS? THEIFS!o

o NO! YOU DONo T UNDERSTAND!o Krystalline yelled, still sobbing . o SHE WANTED IT FOR HERE DRESS! WE ARENo T THEIFS!o

o guards return them to the surfaceo The dragon said to one of the creatures. o We are the people of the END and we dono t trust outsiders. We, the Endermen and I, the Enderdragon will make sure that your actions are punished.o

Then it created a portal that had some sort of pull on us and we went in. Everyone except Steve.

To Be Continuedo ¦

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