Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Tame and breed chickens (farming)

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Eddie_vs_Minecraft's Avatar Eddie_vs_Minecraft
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn

Chicken breeding tutorial

First you must harvest some seeds (punch grass), then you need to find a chicken (At least 2).
With your seeds equipped, the chickens should follow you around (but stay close to them or else they will lose interest).
After you have your two chickens somewhere safe, right click the chickens with the seeds and Red hearts will appear, then a baby chicken will be born.bdecacdbccddefa-daoeq

Step 2
Profit  :)
Hope this tutorial helped.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Eddie_vs_Minecraft 11/11/2013 4:02:04 amNov 11th, 2013

no 1

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