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The 100 most common ways to die in minecraft

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Wyatt3's Avatar Wyatt3
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
The 100 most common ways of death in minecraft (taken exactly from crash reports, server reports, surveys, knowledge and noobishness)
But before you read this, the least common way of death in minecraft... (drumrool) is SHOCKED BY LIGHTNING

100. Do the command /suicide

99. Jump in lava in a pvp match

98. glitch out of world...

97. glitch out of world in creative mode

96. do the /kill command

97. Be killed in a pvp match

96. Fall off a cliff

95. Creeper explosion... BOOM

94. Dig straight down

93. Zombie attack

92. Someone has thorns 3 in a PvP match

91. Write a sign for too long...


89. Example player died whileist fighting herobrine

88. Spawn in a lava pit

87. Zombie villagers suk dont they?

86. Drown purposely

85. Drown accidently

84. Be drowned by a player

83. Notch dered out and spammed the /kill all command

82. o Commands re-inforced by owner; /kill and /destroy people now enforcedo

81. Be an idiot and find diamonds...

80. Build a dirt house with an open doorway

79. Read this blog with minecraft open

78. There is no 78

77. Fall off 2 cliffs at 1ce

76. Be AFK in multiplayer

75. Be AFK in singleplayer

74. Get the more ways to die mod

73. Put on the show; o 1000 ways to dieo (100 ways to die is copyright 2013 and is used with written permission from publisher.)

72. Copy someoneo s house

71. All hail the sword

70. Herp Derp

69-10. fail

68. Be fatass

67. Read this far

66. Build TNT house with iron door

65. Be stupid

64. Do a survey

63.Write this blog with minecraft open

62. Get a Chromebook

61. Die inrl

60. Have a heart-attack

59. Be black/asian/white/anything elese (sorry bout racissness peole)

58. Use parentheses way to much (t) (y) (too much?) (UMADBRO?) (awesome) (annoying?) (thought so)

57. Play a prison server

56. Have a faction that gets reaided

55. do the /kickall command with the owner playing...

54. Die

53. Die again

52. Meet notch (not for long)

51. BE RACIST (jk please dont i mean srsly dont)

50. Destroy a server spawn (half way there)

49. DIE

48. Rage quit

47. Herpidy deripty fail

46. The cake is a pie... oops lava...

45. Make a texturepack making lava look like water

44. Turn sound off

43. Become upseessed with the game

42. Read crash report records

41. There is no 41 either

40. or a 40...

39. not yet



36. Skywars fail

35. set yourself on fire in nether

34. Pigman

33. Magmacube attack

32. Slime attack

31. Blaze attack

30. Nausea 255

29. /sudo self suicide

28. /sudo self kill

27. Doctor who died

26. But doctor 5 save doctor 7 or ill make doctor 3 save you!

25. Be me

24. Be notch

24. Be jeb_

23. Like twitter way to much

22. Lava water falls hate you

21. No 21

20. Sorry

19. Find area 51

18. find area 52

17. Find alien space ship

16. Helmet cam!

15. your armour broke

14. No reports

13. Score: 0 (u r a noob)

12. Be a noob

11. Fall in lava after falling off a ciff

10. Skeleton shots you

9. Player shoots u

8. Charged creeper enters house

7. No doors

6. Fire house... (burn)

5. Sufficate in a wall of stone because pistons suck

4. Respawn in 90 deep water

3. Do the superfalt world waterword

2. Find a cavespider

1. fall out of a mineshaft into a cavespider cavern.

diamond favorite and sub!
CreditBlend_hawk22 for giving the least common way of death

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Wyatt3 10/04/2013 8:55:38 pmOct 4th, 2013

added the least common way of death (and removed suspicious update log abuse)

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10/18/2016 8:43 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Go near a skeleton horse with or without a skeliton rideing it on anything but peacefull
10/04/2013 2:30 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Blend_hawk22's Avatar
That is cool, add "Shocked by Lightning" that is a Rare Death!
10/04/2013 8:52 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
Wyatt3's Avatar
i put 100 most common ways of death but ill add it somewhere anyway
10/04/2013 10:34 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Blend_hawk22's Avatar
Its Impossible to find an Alien SpaceCraft LOL
