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The Book of Steve(chapter 2 part 1)

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Zeylander's Avatar Zeylander
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe

mmkay so heres chap. 2 pt. 1 and i will get up part 2 a.s.a.p. if you are viewing this series for the first time then please start from at least chapter one.

and dont forget to diamond/subscribe/comment stay tuned for part two everybody ;)

Chapter 2


Shades of orange, red, and blue splashed the darkening sky with their vibrant beauty as the creeping night slowly overcame the jungle. Birds no longer chirped blissfully in the cold embrace of the gentle breeze, but instead hid in their small nests of false safety and security. No cattle grazed the jungle floor in search of a quick grassy dinner. A drapery of foreboding doom hung in the air as Steve hurried to pack the last of the essential items he would need in order to survive the journey ahead. In the time that Notch had appeared before Steve up until now, Steve had gathered a large backpack, big enough only for the things he would need, and a small amount of tools and foods. In the backpack he had an iron sword, and iron pickaxe, 5 unlit torches, eight cooked steaks, two porckchops, two bottles of water and a woolen cloth for warmth to sleep at night. After closing the backpack Steve went upstairs to grab the last thing he would need for the journey. In the closet of his bedroom Steve had stored away his only complete set of diamond armor that he ever had. Because the monsters here areno t incredibly strong and spider jockeys never usually appear, Steve never thought he would have the need for such a strong set of armor, he had made it anyway. And now, after being told that he had a destiny greater than he could ever imagine, he figured that a set of diamond armor might be at least somewhat convenient, most likely it was a necessity.

The armor wasno t made for looks. It was plain and simple. No elaborate designs plagued even a corner of the outfit. It was just one simple light, almost white, shade of blue. Hanging on the closet wall next to the diamond armor was a diamond sword. The sword wasno t anything like the armor. In fact, they were pretty much complete opposites. The only thing they had in common was the material used to make each of them. While the armor had no design whatsoever, the sword looked as if an artist had crafted it. The hilt of the sword was covered in many swirls with leaf-like textures carved all over. The blade itself had a perfectly spherical ruby placed at the base. And written along the blade were eight words, written in what looked like an old form of English text: o A Light in Which the Darkness Cannot Hide.o These words always puzzled Steve and he could never imagine what the words true meaning was. Usually only magical stuff gets engraved with suspicious phrases or sentences, but Steve has not uncovered any mysterious powers dwelling within the sword. The only thing Steve feels he knows about the sword is that when the time comes, this sword will become his greatest weapon. Or so he thinks. But heo ll never know for sure until that time comes, but until then, he must focus on the task ahead and now, after packing and being fully equipped with his diamond armor and sword, he is ready to set off on this new journey. What awaits him beyond the jungle is a mystery and it is one that is soon to be solved. The sun falls towards the earth outside. Soon it will be night again, Steve is ready and nothing will stop him from leaving.

Walking down the stairs Steve looked through every window, expecting to see a wave of malevolent monsters stampeding towards him, but none came. This was odd, usually Steve could always see at least a spider or a peeping creeper waiting for Steve, but tonight he saw nothing. Whether there was a sign of monsters outside or not didno t necessarily matter, but this registered as a dark omen in Steveo s mind. The jungle stays on a routine just like Steve, and leaving no monsters waiting outside his house, was not part of that routine. He didno t know exactly what it was, but Steve could tell when something was wrong. And right now, something was definitely wrong. He had to leave the house and so he went to the door and slowly pulled it open, waiting for something to spring out of the darkness. But again, nothing came. With sword in hand, Steve slowly crossed the threshold and entered the jungles dark embrace. So far unopposed, he touched his foot to the grass and began to walk towards the closest tree. Step by step, he got closer and step by step, his sense of foreboding thickened. Now, standing at the foot of the tree, he clothed his sword in its sheath, gripped his hands to the vines, and pulled three times to ensure its strength would hold as he climbed. As soon as he picked his foot off the ground, the earth shook as if it was being torn apart and Steve fell to the ground unable to keep his grip. As it was in the cave, Steve was again down on the ground, unable to get up, but this time it was because of rubble covering his body. This time the ground was just too unstable for him to stand. So instead of standing he thrust his body over so he could see above and around him, rather than getting nothing but a shaky view of jumping dirt in his face, but once he flopped over, he wished he had never let go of those vines.

The ground around Steveo s house was shaking so hard it seemed to be bouncing vigorously up and down on that one spot and cracks had scattered all around it. The ground that was once supporting the house was now crumbling beneath it. And with it, so was the house. Without the stable earth keeping the house level, it began to bend inward, into a hole that had begun to open from the cracks beneath. Wood snapped and cracked with thunderous violence, sending a shower of splintering wooden shrapnel everywhere. Unable to bend any further the house snapped in half with a deafening cry and began to slowly sink into the pit that below it. Steve watched in horror as his only home sank before his very eyes, just as a ship captain would watch his beloved vessel sink down into the ravenous sea, never to be seen again.

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06/12/2012 7:17 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
Cenaria's Avatar
when is the next part coming?
06/15/2012 10:04 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Zeylander's Avatar
since schools out now i should have more time. but im never sure exactly when im gonna write it. shouldnt be too long though :]
06/12/2012 7:16 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
Cenaria's Avatar
Awesome chapter!!! but ehrm... maybe there should be a "not" in this phrase:

but this time it was (not) because of rubble covering his body
06/12/2012 8:58 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Zeylander's Avatar
yeaa there are little typos here and there... i even left out a smal part of this chapter in fact.(a small story about the diamond sword) and i will be fixing small things like that as i continue to write
06/10/2012 7:44 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Geek
artylo's Avatar
I like your style of writing!
06/10/2012 8:13 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Zeylander's Avatar
ha why thankyou :)
did you read chapter one as well?
06/10/2012 8:21 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Geek
artylo's Avatar
Oh not actually I'll read it later.
06/11/2012 12:33 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Zeylander's Avatar
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