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the CORRECT way to get your skin back

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MayuriYandere's Avatar MayuriYandere
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
i can't upload a skin so i made a blog.

So we all are pretty pissed when we are just browsing through a site (like novaskin or skindex) and we see our skin stolen.. without credit. You want your skin 'back' right? Well you can't tell the person to take the skin down as you posted it publicly, but what you CAN do is ask for credit. There are two ways to do this ,the 'wrong' way and the 'right' way

what NOT to do

do NOT rage at them. if you are mad flaming them will just make them less likely to give credit/take it down

DO NOT act cocky in any way. don't go saying "lelele i'm su fam00s on pmc i'm practically notch su giv mi crdit!11"

Don't hold a grudge on them just because they stole a skin. everybody (including me) has stolen a skin at one point in time so we need to forgive

oh also don't go around making false statements like "i can sue you know!?"

actually know and read your copyright..rights





(it seems like a lot of paper work right? XD)

what TO do

Ask nicely. Asking nicely will not worry/anger the person that 'stole' your skin.

Act Professional. It will seem like you aren't some silly 13 year old who just read a bunch of pdf's on what your copyright means.

USE MANNERS. They may have stolen your skin but a person is a person and deserves to be treated with respect (up to a point) say something like "you don't have to take the skin down but would you mind giving me credit?"

KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. that goes a long with sounding professional

this will get you credit on your skin that you made and was stolen. if not then bring out a gang of pmcers to flame on the person until they die

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11/14/2013 11:07 pm
Level 27 : Expert Toast
SquircularKnights's Avatar
everybody (including me) has stolen a skin at one point in time so we need to forgiv
Actually... I haven't...
And when you upload your skin, or download one, aren't there some terms applied by PMC?
11/15/2013 7:49 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
yes there are but people may not follow the rules or even read them.
11/17/2013 6:07 pm
Level 27 : Expert Toast
SquircularKnights's Avatar
Ah. You said here:
"Act Professional. It will seem like you aren't some silly 13 year old who just read a bunch of pdf's on what your copyright means."
But there is an agreement involved with pmc whenever you download it, so you have to follow their rules on it.
11/17/2013 6:09 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
yes. yes i did. do you have a problem with that? i see no argument here if that is what you are trying to do, if not then well have a nice day.
11/17/2013 7:34 pm
Level 27 : Expert Toast
SquircularKnights's Avatar
Do I really sound like some silly 13 year old who's just read my copyright rules from a bunch of PDF's?
End term user license agreements FTW, then!
11/17/2013 7:37 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
confused. you are wasting my time by making this vague but hey thanks for the exp
10/06/2013 6:22 am
Level 23 : Expert Princess
lordarmadillo's Avatar
I had an issue, and went from the right way to the wrong way. I did a whole bunch of art for a mod, then someone (Willsr71) stole my art for his own wolves mod. The modder I did it for still doesn't have credit 1 year on. *Sigh*
10/06/2013 9:15 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
which website was it stolen on? if it was here on pmc then whisper the link to a moderator
10/06/2013 11:53 am
Level 23 : Expert Princess
lordarmadillo's Avatar
I did. His account was suspended, and he still won't credit it. And on the MC Forums, they won't help. Oh well, I suppose I cooled off after a while. But, on the bright side he did give me credit, though I think the modder deserves it more.
09/25/2013 11:33 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
TheFrenchMacaron's Avatar
Loving the way you use your manners! You Go Girl ^=^
09/22/2013 5:53 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper
11volt11's Avatar
I guess this is mostly true. As appropriate as it would be to completely rage at them, that wouldn't convince stealers to give you credit.

But if it is your own work, I say you have the right to tell them that they can't steal your skin! People make movies, songs, and TV shows that go public, but you still get in trouble for stealing them. Same thing in this scenario.
