This Blog is an entry in the completed Create A Survival Guide Blog Contest.

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The Last Hope Survival Guide

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MCManiacFromMyCraft's Avatar MCManiacFromMyCraft
Level 37 : Artisan Nether Knight
undefinedSo, you want to know how to survive eh? Chances are, if your coming across this book, your doing a bad job like I did. This place, theres barely any escape. This cave can kill you and support you at the same time. On the other hand, if you have a pickaxe handy, you'll be out of here to see the light of day. I've given up hope, but you still have a chance. Follow these steps and have a bit a faith, and maybe, you'll live to go home. 

A Rather Simple Base
Before you can start on mining and other dangerous tasks, you need a defensive shelter. I'm stuck down here with no wood, but assuming you have wood on you, save it! Your gonna need to make useful blocks such as a Crafting Table later. Since your here, your for the most part safe already as its basically a giant stone dead-end mine. Make a small room out of cobblestone or an easy to find material. It may not look good, but you can upgrade it later when resources become available. 

Time to Decorate
Now, you need to make a Crafting Table as we mentioned earlier. You will also need at least 1 Furnace and 1 Chest (It can be a double chest!) That's all you need, but if you have the resources, you can place a flower pot and such.

Hard Work
Now it's time to start work! In order to keep this good setup going, your going to need to start a branch mine. It can be anywhere accessible around the front of your house. In order to start your branch mine, dig in about 5 blocks in a 1x2 Block Wide Tunnel. Then, dig the top block to the left and right approximately 4 blocks to each side. See the example below!
The Green Respresents Every 5 Blocks, The Yellow Indicates Where You Stop Digging, And The Red Represents Where You Dig!

Continue that pattern and you will find many ores such as iron! If your on the hunt for diamonds, go to Y Level 11 and repeat this!

Fighting The Night
I'm writing this part on Day 2 of my "sentence" in the pit of hell. I've noticed that mobs don't spawn very often around here, but every once in a while, they do. When that happened, I ran to my base and hid, and they just left me. Like they didn't even care. I've had alot of steath experiences in my past, when me and a friend had to survive through the apocolapze and broke the fabric of reality when we travelled through time to before the ground, before the Steampunk ages. But, that might not be the same case for you. It's always good to have protection on you, and I happen to know at this time that this mine is loaded with iron, but I can't mine it with my bare hands. You'll need armor and a sword. If you don't know how to craft those, I'm suprised you've lasted this long. A sword is crafted with two ore and a stick in a sword shape. Then, a chestplate is crafted with 1 ore in every slot except for the top middle slot.

This is the easiest and hardest for most people. Making a food source can be tough, but I have the ins and outs to it. No matter what farm you make, you always need WATER. This liquid is what makes the crops you plant grow in the first place!  For your first crops, I recommend either wheat or potatos. When potatos are cooked, they give a high saturation, whilst wheat is the easiest crop to gain and plant. Then, you can make bread using three wheat on a crafting bench.


A Title
Now, by this time you've probably come face to face with a zombie or a cow. These are refered to as "mobs". Mobs can be passive or agressive, depending on what mob they are.

Passive Mobs are mobs that won't attack you no matter what you do to them. The mobs that are passive are: Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep, Bat, Villager (not zombie villager), Rabbits, Mooshrooms, and Squids.

Neutral Mobs are mobs that will not attack you unless you attack them. The Neutral Mobs are: Cave Spiders, Endermen, Spiders (during the day) and Zombie Pigmen. Remember, when attacked, these are ferocious!

Aggresive Mobs are mobs that will attack you if your in their "eyesight" range. These mobs are: Blaze, Chicken Jockey, Creeper, Elder Guardian, Endermite, Ghast, Guardian, Magma Cubes, Silverfish, Skeletons, Slimes, Spider Jockeys, Witches, Wither Skeletons, Zombies, and Zombie Villagers.

Tameable Mobs are mobs that are tameable to be your companion. These mobs are: The Donkey, The Horse, A Mule, Ocelots, Skeleton Horses and Wolves.

Next, we have the so called "Utility Mobs" by common folk. These mobs will support you by attacking any hostile mob to you. These mobs are the Snow Golem and the Iron Golem.

Last, but not least, we have the BOSS mobs. These mobs that will be insanely hard to kill and insanely hard to summon, but they will drop amazing loot! These are the Wither and the Ender Dragon.

And know you know the basics to survival in the place I call hell! Chances are if you found this book, you also found a skeleton next to it. I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure that's mine.
Good luck doing better than me in this place.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by MCManiacFromMyCraft 11/27/2015 7:19:26 pmNov 27th, 2015

- Reworded Some Parts
- Added the Mobs Section
- Redid some of the Images
- Twice the Hugs

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12/06/2015 8:06 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Lovely done with the visual representative of the branch mining. I can still remember I did something similair back in the time only survival mode exists.

Good luck with the contest although you're competition!
12/06/2015 7:43 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Nether Knight
MCManiacFromMyCraft's Avatar
You too eagoy!
11/27/2015 7:25 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Kittnz's Avatar
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