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The Dreaded Herobrine Encounter

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EpicManor's Avatar EpicManor
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
o Ito s just a myth,o I told myself, running across far lands, miles away from home, panting loudly, just to get away from the blanked-faced monster. I remember how it all started:
It was around mid-day, I was running low on my stock of food, so I decided to go over the tall mountain where usually the animals like to heard there, before sundown so I wouldn't have to go to bed without supper. A couple of dead pigs and cows later, the atmosphere started to get a bit dense, which usually gives me the probability that it might rain, but it suddenly got a bit cooler out as a breeze decided to roll in. The weather patterns were quite strange around here, especially in the mountains. But today, it wasn't the type of strange weather out. Something quite unusual. But it didno t bother me, so I just headed home and went to bed with a full stomach.
Sometime near midnight, I awoke from sleeping to find my dogs barking out the window. Usually I wouldno t mind them barking, ito s a thing they do to wake me up, but at this time of night? I looked at where they were barking at, but there was nothing in sight. After a couple of minutes of watching from my porch, I saw near the mountain a strange looking animal, about as tall as a Creeper, but mis-shaped. A cold shiver ran down my back as this unusual creature stared me right in the eyes. Maybe I did need more sleep, and fell fast asleep like nothing happened.
The next morning, I went on with my normal routine of eating breakfast and heading out for some hunting and mining. Nothing unusual today, but after what happened yesterday, I took both my dogs out mining with me so I would be more protected. After gathering some food and wood, I decided to go and check out the dungeon right on the side of the mountain. I've never took that dungeon into consideration until now, so I might as well gather some of that o mossyo cobblestone I saw whenever I walked by it. Skeletons. Perfect. I managed to destroy the spawner and gather some mossy cobblestone, until I saw something strange. A pathway. About 2 blocks high, 1 block long. The path went down so far I couldn't see what was on the end of it. My curiosity and adventurous traits got the best of me and I decided to see what was on the other end of this strange pathway. Running for what seemed like forever, I came to the end of the tunnel and saw but one thing. It wasn't natural. It wasn't made by me. Surrounded by lava. My eyes widened as I took a good look at this strange monument. Gold blocks. And a piece of Nether-Rack on top. I wanted to light it, but it seemed too risky. I tried to pull away from my bad conscience but it lead me straight into pulling out my flint and steel and lighting that piece of Nether-Rack ablaze. Not realizing what horrors I have just set free from lighting this fire, but I heard a crumbling noise and then a voice said very faintly, o You made a huge mistake, I have arisen.o
I ran and ran and with every step I took, the ground was set on fire I kept running until the flames stopped, and I realized I was in the middle of nowhere. I had to start all over again, it cano t be that I have lost everything, even hope, to something that was caused by me? It started to get colder and colder as the days went by, then after a while I thought, why not retrace my steps and go back down the pathway back to the dungeon, over the mountain back home. o Brilliant o I shouted, still not realizing how dangerous this was. I shall start in the morning.
I went back to the place where I unleashed a force so terrifying, the statue was gone and only the pathway was left along with the lava. I ran and ran until finally, home at last, but wait. Blocks flying everywhere, trapping me inside a box of bedrock, and here he was. A menace truly frightening and sickening to the eye, he looked just like me, but wait, where are your pupils? I was utterly frightened and suddenly I pulled out my sword and slashed the bady cado s head off. But one problem, I didn't slash off his head, he slashed my sword into two It was the end for me, it was hopeless, until I heard a fast running sound in the grass getting closer and closer and it was my dogs Jumping on the menace, I managed to escape with the sacrifice of my two dogs, as tears ran down my eyes, I ran away from home, deciding that home wasn't exactly the safest place to be at this dark time.
o A myth o I yelled, o Myth o It can't be that the, the- No, NO, NOO o Ito s just a myth,o I told myself, running across far lands, miles away from home, panting loudly, just to get away from the blanked-faced monster. I remember how it all started:
It was around mid-day, I was running low on my stock of food, so I decided to go over the tall mountain where usually the animals like to heard there, before sundown so I wouldn't have to go to bed without supper. A couple of dead pigs and cows later, the atmosphere started to get a bit dense, which usually gives me the probability that it might rain, but it suddenly got a bit cooler out as a breeze decided to roll in. The weather patterns were quite strange around here, especially in the mountains. But today, it wasn't the type of strange weather out. Something quite unusual. But it didno t bother me, so I just headed home and went to bed with a full stomach.
Sometime near midnight, I awoke from sleeping to find my dogs barking out the window. Usually I wouldno t mind them barking, ito s a thing they do to wake me up, but at this time of night? I looked at where they were barking at, but there was nothing in sight. After a couple of minutes of watching from my porch, I saw near the mountain a strange looking animal, about as tall as a Creeper, but mis-shaped. A cold shiver ran down my back as this unusual creature stared me right in the eyes. Maybe I did need more sleep, and fell fast asleep like nothing happened.
The next morning, I went on with my normal routine of eating breakfast and heading out for some hunting and mining. Nothing unusual today, but after what happened yesterday, I took both my dogs out mining with me so I would be more protected. After gathering some food and wood, I decided to go and check out the dungeon right on the side of the mountain. I've never took that dungeon into consideration until now, so I might as well gather some of that o mossyo cobblestone I saw whenever I walked by it. Skeletons. Perfect. I managed to destroy the spawner and gather some mossy cobblestone, until I saw something strange. A pathway. About 2 blocks high, 1 block long. The path went down so far I couldn't see what was on the end of it. My curiosity and adventurous traits got the best of me and I decided to see what was on the other end of this strange pathway. Running for what seemed like forever, I came to the end of the tunnel and saw but one thing. It wasn't natural. It wasn't made by me. Surrounded by lava. My eyes widened as I took a good look at this strange monument. Gold blocks. And a piece of Nether-Rack on top. I wanted to light it, but it seemed too risky. I tried to pull away from my bad conscience but it lead me straight into pulling out my flint and steel and lighting that piece of Nether-Rack ablaze. Not realizing what horrors I have just set free from lighting this fire, but I heard a crumbling noise and then a voice said very faintly, o You made a huge mistake, I have arisen.o
I ran and ran and with every step I took, the ground was set on fire I kept running until the flames stopped, and I realized I was in the middle of nowhere. I had to start all over again, it cano t be that I have lost everything, even hope, to something that was caused by me? It started to get colder and colder as the days went by, then after a while I thought, why not retrace my steps and go back down the pathway back to the dungeon, over the mountain back home. o Brilliant o I shouted, still not realizing how dangerous this was. I shall start in the morning.
I went back to the place where I unleashed a force so terrifying, the statue was gone and only the pathway was left along with the lava. I ran and ran until finally, home at last, but wait. Blocks flying everywhere, trapping me inside a box of bedrock, and here he was. A menace truly frightening and sickening to the eye, he looked just like me, but wait, where are your pupils? I was utterly frightened and suddenly I pulled out my sword and slashed the bady cado s head off. But one problem, I didn't slash off his head, he slashed my sword into two It was the end for me, it was hopeless, until I heard a fast running sound in the grass getting closer and closer and it was my dogs Jumping on the menace, I managed to escape with the sacrifice of my two dogs, as tears ran down my eyes, I ran away from home, deciding that home wasn't exactly the safest place to be at this dark time.
o A myth o I yelled, o Myth o It can't be that the, the- No, NO, NOOO

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07/29/2012 11:18 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Ninja
acetonyman's Avatar
lol nice story
07/29/2012 11:33 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Skinner
Kaduu's Avatar
Cool story...I got another one...About Herobrine too,want to be firends?Do you want to tell you my story with Herobrine? Waiting for a response :) .
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